Maximizing Efficiency: The Benefits of Transaction Splitting in DEXes

7 min readOct 12, 2023


Maximizing Efficiency: The Benefits of Transaction Splitting in DEXes

Decentralized exchanges (DEXes) have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their unique advantages over centralized exchanges, such as increased security, transparency, and autonomy. However, despite their growing popularity, DEXes still face certain challenges that can impact their efficiency, one of which is slippage. Slippage is the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which the trade is executed, and it can be a major concern for traders using DEXes.

To address this issue, transaction splitting has emerged as a potential solution for maximizing efficiency in DEXes. Transaction splitting is a process by which a single trade is split into multiple smaller trades in order to achieve better prices and avoid slippage. In this article, we will explore the benefits of transaction splitting in DEXes and how it can help reduce slippage.

What is Transaction Splitting?

Transaction splitting is a strategy used by DEX aggregators to help users get the best possible price for their trades across different decentralised exchanges (DEXs).

When a user places a trade on a DEX aggregator platform, the aggregator splits the user’s trade into multiple smaller trades and executes them across multiple DEXs simultaneously. This allows the aggregator to find the best possible prices for each part of the user’s trade, taking advantage of price discrepancies across different DEXs.

By splitting the user’s trade and executing it across multiple DEXs, the aggregator can provide the user with a better overall price than they would have received by executing the trade on a single DEX. This can result in significant cost savings for users, especially for larger trades.

There are several advantages to using transaction splitting in DEXes.

  1. Better prices : By splitting a trade across multiple DEXs, the aggregator can find the best possible prices for each part of the trade, resulting in a better overall price for the user. This can result in cost savings for users, especially for larger trades.
  2. Increased liquidity : Transaction splitting allows DEX aggregators to increase liquidity across multiple DEXs. By executing trades on multiple DEXs simultaneously, the aggregator can help to prevent slippage and ensure that trades can be executed quickly and efficiently.
  3. Reduced risk: Splitting a trade across multiple DEXs can help to reduce the risk of front-running and other types of market manipulation. This is because the trade is not executed on a single DEX, but rather across multiple DEXs simultaneously, making it more difficult for any one party to manipulate the market.
  4. Access to more trading pairs : DEX aggregators can offer users access to a larger number of trading pairs by aggregating liquidity across multiple DEXs. This allows users to trade a wider variety of assets and find the best possible prices for each trade.

Liquidity and Slippage in DEXes

Liquidity and slippage are important concepts to understand when trading on decentralized exchanges (DEXes). In this section, we’ll explore the definitions of liquidity and slippage and how they affect DEXes.

Liquidity refers to the ability of an asset to be bought or sold without affecting its price. In other words, a liquid asset can be easily traded without causing significant price movements. In contrast, an illiquid asset is difficult to buy or sell without affecting its price.

Slippage, on the other hand, refers to the difference between the expected price of an asset and the actual price at which the trade is executed. This can occur when there is a lack of liquidity on the exchange, causing the price of an asset to move between the time the trade is initiated and the time it is executed.

How liquidity affects DEXes

Liquidity is a critical factor for the success of a DEX. Without sufficient liquidity, it can be challenging for traders to execute trades at favourable prices, leading to increased slippage and a poor user experience. Furthermore, low liquidity can make it difficult for traders to enter and exit positions, which can discourage trading activity and reduce the overall volume of the exchange.

One way to increase liquidity on a DEX is to attract more traders and liquidity providers. This can be achieved by offering competitive fees, a wide range of assets, and a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for traders to execute trades.

How slippage affects DEXes

Slippage can have a significant impact on the success of a DEX. High levels of slippage can discourage traders from using the exchange, reducing trading activity and liquidity. Additionally, slippage can make it difficult for traders to execute trades at favorable prices, leading to increased trading costs and a poor user experience.

Reducing slippage on a DEX can be challenging, but there are several techniques that can help. These include increasing liquidity on the exchange, using limit orders instead of market orders, and using transaction splitting to execute larger trades over time.

Advantages of Transaction Splitting in Improving Liquidity

Transaction splitting is a valuable technique for improving liquidity on decentralized exchanges (DEXes). In this section, we’ll explore the advantages of transaction splitting in improving liquidity, including increasing liquidity, reducing slippage, and improving the user experience.

1. Increasing liquidity

Transaction splitting can help to increase liquidity on a DEX by spreading out the impact of large trades over time. When traders execute large trades, it can cause the price of the asset to move, making it difficult for other traders to execute trades at favorable prices. By splitting large trades into smaller ones, traders can execute trades without significantly affecting the market price, allowing for more efficient execution of trades and increased liquidity.

Furthermore, transaction splitting can attract more liquidity providers to the exchange. Liquidity providers are more likely to participate on a DEX that offers a competitive environment with minimal price impact. By providing a mechanism to mitigate slippage and reduce the impact of large trades, DEXes can attract more liquidity providers, improving liquidity for all traders.

2. Reducing slippage

Transaction splitting can also help to reduce slippage on DEXes. Slippage can occur when there is not enough liquidity on the exchange, causing the price of an asset to move between the time a trade is initiated and the time it is executed. By splitting large trades into smaller ones, traders can execute trades at prices closer to the market price, reducing the risk of slippage.

In addition, transaction splitting can be used in conjunction with limit orders to further reduce slippage. A limit order specifies the maximum price at which a trader is willing to buy or the minimum price at which they are willing to sell. By combining transaction splitting with limit orders, traders can execute trades at the desired price level without affecting the market price.

3. Improving user experience

Transaction splitting can also improve the user experience on DEXes. By reducing the impact of large trades, traders can execute trades more efficiently and effectively.

Additionally, by reducing the risk of slippage, traders can have more confidence in executing trades on the exchange. This can lead to increased trading activity and liquidity on the exchange, improving the overall user experience.

Challenges of Transaction Splitting:

While transaction splitting can offer many benefits for improving liquidity and reducing slippage on decentralized exchanges, there are also several challenges associated with its implementation. In this section, we’ll explore some of the key challenges associated with transaction splitting.

1. User experience

One of the main challenges associated with transaction splitting is the potential impact on the user experience. In order to split a large trade into multiple smaller ones, traders may need to manually execute multiple transactions, which can be time-consuming and cumbersome. Additionally, splitting trades can require a greater degree of planning and preparation, which may not be feasible for all traders.

To mitigate these challenges, DEXes can provide tools and resources to simplify the process of transaction splitting. This could include offering pre-set split options, providing educational resources on best practices for splitting trades, and optimizing the user interface to make the process as seamless as possible.

2. Gas costs

Another challenge associated with transaction splitting is the potential impact on gas costs. Each transaction executed on a blockchain network requires a certain amount of gas, which is paid in the native token of the network (such as Ethereum’s ETH). When splitting a large trade into multiple smaller ones, traders may need to execute multiple transactions, which can increase gas costs.

To address this challenge, DEXes can implement gas optimization strategies, such as batching multiple transactions together or using gas-efficient smart contract design. Additionally, as blockchain technology continues to evolve, there may be new developments in gas optimization that can further reduce the cost of executing transactions.

3. Limitations of blockchain technology

Finally, transaction splitting is limited by the current capabilities of blockchain technology. The speed and scalability of blockchain networks can impact the ability of DEXes to efficiently execute large numbers of transactions. Additionally, the need to wait for transactions to be confirmed on the blockchain can create delays and uncertainty in the trading process.

To address these limitations, DEXes can explore new technological solutions, such as layer 2 scaling solutions or off-chain order books. Additionally, as blockchain technology continues to evolve, we may see new developments that enable more efficient and scalable execution of transactions.


Transaction splitting can offer a powerful tool for improving liquidity and reducing slippage on decentralized exchanges. By breaking large trades into smaller ones, traders can access deeper liquidity pools and execute trades with greater efficiency and accuracy. However, as with any new technology, there are also challenges associated with implementing transaction splitting. DEXes must address user experience concerns, mitigate the impact of gas costs, and work within the limitations of blockchain technology.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of transaction splitting are significant, and we can expect to see continued innovation and evolution in this area as DEXes work to create the most efficient and effective trading environments possible. As the use of decentralized exchanges continues to grow, transaction splitting will likely play an increasingly important role in enabling traders to achieve their goals and realize their full potential on these platforms.

