Q2–2019: DEV update!

2 min readMay 21, 2019


Dear community,

We’d like to share an update with you regarding the progress of our milestones for this quarter of the year (Q2 2019).

First of all, we want to thank every single one of you for your trust and confidence in BitCanna — we couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to solve the industry’s problems through blockchain technology.

For this quarter (Q2), we’ve set 3 milestones:

  • Testnet launch: public Beta version
  • Launch worldwide marketing campaign
  • End of the public sale

During Q1, we carried out extensive internal testing of our blockchain. We are now close to starting a 1-week testing period for the community, which we’ll share a sign-up list for in the coming 2 weeks. The test phase will focus on our node wallet, without masternodes. More details will be provided once we publish the sign-up list. Below we’ll share a preview of our Litewallet with you!

Litewallet BitCanna V1.0

Our worldwide marketing campaign has launched! We’ve been featured on RTL-Z, the Dutch business tv channel, for the second time! Watch our video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSql8wlixCI
On top of that, we launched our campaign at https://www.coinmarketcap.com/. We’ll be featured on CoinMarketCap in May on the desktop top banner for more than a week with the following banner:

Coinmarketcap promotional GIF

As you probably already know, our ICO ends on 30–06–2019. We’re doing everything we can to launch our blockchain as soon as possible after the token sale. A specific date will be announced prior to the end of the token sale. Once the blockchain is up and running, you will see a button on your dashboard on the ICO panel to download our wallet and generate an address. Besides that, another button will be available to claim your tokens, which will be sent to the address that you generated in the previous step.

Thank you all for your commitment and interest, we’re happy to have you all on board!

We’ll keep you all informed!

Kind regards,

The BitCanna Team




BitCanna will provide a Decentralized Payment Network, Supply Chain and Trust Network for the legal Cannabis Industry. Join us: https://www.bitcanna.io/