Dreams, Fears, And The Pursuit.

Identifying your initial blockers.

Kyle Lambert
2 min readDec 18, 2013

Every day we dream, we create perfect situations in our minds and lust over the idea of success. Dreaming is great, but we are built for more than just getting lost in our fantasies. The problem is our dreams evaporate quickly when we add “pursuit” into the recipe. When pursuit becomes a reality our obstacles become just as real, and the “glamorized idea” implodes. At this point most people close their eyes and go back to the comfort and warmth of their Idealized dream.

In effort to take our dreams from “fiction” to “non-fiction” let’s identify some of the obstacles that hold us back from the initial pursuit.

Fear of man.

Inside every human is the desire to be liked and appreciated, this isn’t an evil desire, but it can hold us back from “the pursuit”.

“What if people judge me, what if they don’t like my product, what if they say things?”

There will always be critiques and people will talk, but this will happen even if you don’t pursue your dream. Pursuit may put a target on your back but staying comfortable won’t protect you, it will just keep you unnoticed.


The best part about dreaming is that we can skip the chapter about hard work and go straight to the fairytale ending. There is no way around it, whether you love the process or not at some point it will become work. Hard work. It’s the part we like to tell ourselves isn’t there but ignoring it will keep us where we are.

Fear of failure.

In our dreams we always win, in our nightmares our worlds shatter. Stop having nightmares! Failures may be world shaking but they shouldn’t be the end of us. Imagine if Michael Jordan had quit basketball after being cut from his high school team, or if Oprah gave up on television after being fired from a news anchor position. Failures are never fun but if they don’t blind us there will be more opportunities.

These thoughts and fears may never stop, but they can be captured. If we let fears stop bullying us and identify them for what they are then we can overcome them and start “pursuing”!

