5 Most Troubling Things You Won’t Give a Damn About in 10 Years

Not your usual “stop sweating over stuff” listicle

Darshak Rana


5 Troubling Things You Won’t Give a Damn About in 10 Years
Image via Freepik

Today’s worries are tomorrow’s afterthoughts.

We often handcuff ourselves by the minutiae, ruminating on the past and getting tangled in the trivial. But when you zoom out — really, truly zoom out — you see a new perspective.

Don't worry, I won't give a “don’t sweat the small stuff” lecture. I’ll share what I’ve derived from:

  • Countless late-night reflections
  • Mental traumas
  • Overthinking
  • Even a few existential crises

I also won’t list some ephemeral concerns and tell you to forget them. That would be too easy, and frankly, a disservice. Instead, I’ll share my strategies for reconstructing a perspective aligned with long-term fulfillment and inner peace.

Before we dive into the heart of this post, let’s agree to challenge our current perspectives because:

To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions.

Stephen R. Covey



Darshak Rana

Engineer turned writer with 30M+ views online✦ Published in Business Insider and Reader's Digest✦ Grab your FREE Mental Reset Kit : https://shorturl.at/muJV7