Doing isn’t Trying

The power of words.

Chloe Conscience
Sur la route du Must


Since I decided to embrace my entrepreneurial journey instead of working for a company, I asked myself more than once:

“What are you doing ?”

More than once, I heard myself answer:

“I try!”

Trying might be part of doing. But it isn’t doing.

TRYING is the manifestation of fear or uncertainties. When we try, we are afraid we won’t succeed or worse, we consider that we might fall. It feels like something holds us back and prevents us from being confident, in full ownership of our means. In another way, trying means that the purpose doesn’t empower ourselves enough to drive us to our destination.

DOING takes us away from failure. Even if we fail, failure is part of the journey and doesn’t stop us from reaching our purpose. When we do, we crave experience, invent our rules and we enjoy the road as much as the purpose.

I realized I can try as much as I want. However, if I don’t believe I’m actually doing, I prevent myself from fully embracing the project, my ambition, the life I want. I prevent myself from being fulfilled as an individual and from living in the NOW.

That is why, I recently pushed away the notion of trying. I changed the “What am I doing ?” for the “How can I do ?”.


