“Why do we FOCUS on the Blockchain for Dental industry“ our most frequently asked question

DentalFix ICO
1 min readJul 21, 2017


We receiving lots of questions/comments “Why do you developing Blockchain for Dentals?” or “Next startup will build Blockchain for Gynecology?”.

The second question partially have some truth. But instead of building a new technology, we will implement ours to other industries, after successful introduction into the Dental industry.

Every other industry, such as office supplies, e-commerce, auto parts supplies using the same pattern for data and supply chain management.

As a startup with limited resources — WE HAVE TO FOCUS on one thing. And if you have good knowledge and expertise within Dental industry, guess what?

Right! We have to use our strengths to succeed!

By building a new standard with proven business model it is much easier to step into different industries.

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DentalFix ICO

The leading Blockchain platform for the Worldwide Healthcare industry