How Victorieum is stirring up the Fintech space with blockchain

1 min readNov 15, 2018


Ever since Bitcoin’s rip-roaring price hike last year, blockchain and cryptocurrencies have been making the headlines. Also, over this period of time, blockchain has found mass adoption in many significant and popular industries. However, this revolutionary technology has the potential way greater than its current applications suggest. There are still some key industries that could use the miraculous touch of blockchain. One such industry is the banking and finance sector.

Traditional banks have imposed strict regulations on the use of cryptocurrencies in banking, leaving crypto users feeling underprivileged. But not anymore! Crypto-banks like Victorieum are breaking the norms through Instant FIAT-Crypto Swaps, Offshore free-from-regulations banking services, and much more.

Here is an article published on Digital Journal that explores how Victorieum is stirring up the landscape of Fintech with blockchain:

Hope you find the insights from this article helpful!

Happy Banking,

The Victorieum Team

