CelesChain Project Progress 2019.02.15

7 min readFeb 18, 2019


Welcome to read the 30th Weekly Publication of CelesChain Project Progress(04/02–15/02). CelesChain as the first DPoW financial organized public chain uses the consensus mechanism 3.0. This public chain creates a chance for the financial institutions to innovate their financial applications on the chain.

Technological Progress

CelesOS Major Network

CelesOS Major Network System


We have completed the building for the relevant docker image.

Bug: The number of blocks used to search for the random number provided by BP is round, but the packing order of each round of BP will change, so the number of blocks used to search for the random number is modified to 2 rounds minus 12;

We have packaged the software on CentOS, Fedora, and Ubuntu16.

Bug: We have fixed the data error problem returned by the listproducer command of the command line tool in Celes.

2. Relevant Document Arrangement


1)We sorted out the URL, ReadMe and other related instructions involved in the process, and our progress has been completed by 90%.

2)We have basically completed the installation package of CelesOS’s homebrew.

3)we have checked the development documents initiated by CelesOs ( the process has passed the basic verification )

4)We found and fixed three incorrect positions in the development documents.

3. Celes Block Browser


1)We have stored transaction data: block and trx storage.

2)we have completed 20% of the background account storage ;

3)We have completed the development of the PC of the static page of the main network, including the home page, auction, BDPS, block height, block node static page;

4)We are designing the H5 effect diagram of the main network;

5)We will extract common components to realize common use, thus optimizing the structural layout. The extraction of PC — side components is about to be completed.

4. Celes Test Network and Test Network Block Browser

1)We have restarted the 21bp test network for two times.

2)We have completed the Celes test network with faucet function.

二、【Ecological Dapp Progress

1.DoCohat H5 V1.9

1)Invitation Activity Page of the on-line!

2)App v1.1 version of Android, IOS have been online.

Development of DoChat’s Support for BTC

1) We have completed the processing of eth Data in the server background and the setting of ranking list.

2) We have completed the analysis and processing of BTC address authentication by front-end and server.

3. Development of DoChat’s Support for BOS

1) Dochat is set up in BOS main network, and the data has been completed synchronously at present.

2) Bug: Some account balance data are incorrect, we are still working on it.


CelesOS Consensus Algorithm DPoW Won “Top Ten Technology Pioneers in Global BlockChain”

On January 22, 2019, at the annual meeting of China’s Blockchain Industry Economic Development, Liu quan, vice chairman of China’s blockchain ecological alliance, released the “2018 ( global ) Blockchain Pioneer Ranking List”.

CelesOS’ Delegated Proof of Work ( DPoW ) was finally selected into the “2018 ( Global ) Top Ten Technology Pioneers Ranking List” after fierce competition with its leading technology in consensus algorithm.

The Ranking List of “Top Ten Technology Pioneers in the Global BlockChain” strictly follows the method of “voting by professionals + scoring by professional judges”, which takes more than a month to judge.

The Ranking List of blockchains emerges one after another, but the vast majority of the Ranking Lists are mixed with commercial elements and lack of professionalism. On the other hand, the “Top Ten Technological Pioneers in Global blockchain” at the annual meeting of China’s Blockchain Industry Economic Development adheres to the principle of “ only professional, no commercial”, stands in the value dimension of blockchain enabling real economy, and unites industry leaders and experts to make a truly credible Ranking List of regional blockchain industries in a radical, fair and just way.

CelesOS went through four stages of competition: nomination of candidate Ranking List, voting by professionals, scoring by expert judges, and official publication of the Ranking List. Relying on its technological advantages in the blockchain industry, celesos created an innovative consensus algorithm DPOW, which emerged from 27 technological projects and was finally elected as “ the top ten technological pioneers in the global blockchain”.

About DPoW

DPoW, the Delegated Proof of Work, has adopted the dual mechanism of mining and agent to dig out burning wood and burn the election nodes to obtain the rights to store and get incentive. This method combines the advantages of PoW (Proof of Work) and PoB (Proof of Burn) and gives consideration to both decentralization and efficiency, enabling CelesOS to realize “decentralization”, “scalability” and “ security” while maintaining high-performance TPS of millions per second to support enterprise-level decentralized applications.

In the DPoW based on the blockchain, what Miner mining gets is no longer a token of incentive, but a “wood” that can be burned. The miners use their own calculation force, through hash algorithm, and finally prove their workload, then obtain the corresponding wood, which is not tradable. When wood has accumulated a certain amount, he can go to the burning site to burn wood. Through a group of algorithms, people who burn more wood or BP or a group of BP can obtain the right to block out the next event segment and obtain incentives (tokens) after successfully block out. Since more than one person may burn wood in one period of time, the probability of block production in the next period is determined by the number of wood burned by himself. The more incineration, the higher the probability of obtaining the right to block in the next period of time.

DPoW summarized and updated in the past practice of blockchain technology, which can achieve both decentralization and efficiency.

It is reasonable to believe that in the near future, blockchains based on DPoW consensus mechanism will appear one after another, and the application prospect of blockchains will take a big step forward in the expected direction.

Assessment Progress

At present, there are two websites of overseas evaluation organizations, which are PRIMEICO and ICODROPS. These two websites put Celes Chain on the front page to attract many overseas users.

By the time of publication, Celes had been favored by 47 well-known assessment agencies at home and abroad. The American rating agency TrackICO scored 5 points out of 5 and the ICLINK scored as high as 4.98.

Celes has aroused enthusiastic response from the overseas communities. The organizations that assess Celes conduct comprehensive and multi-angle professional assessments in terms of projects, teams, technologies, white papers, official websites, social media, number and activity of telegraph groups, and CCHN information.

About CelesOS

CelesOS is a decentralized blockchain system that provides bottom-level IT services for various financial applications. We will create a “ Wall Street” in the blockchains to provide services to the vast number of financial institutions and users. The innovative consensus algorithm can be truly decentralized and can give consideration to efficiency at the same time. In addition, we will also design special scripting languages to support smart contracts and various applications.

We support efficient supervision in all aspects in design. We have a special regulatory compliance compilation layer to achieve maximum local regulatory compliance. The regulatory compliance compilation layer is responsible for compiling smart contracts into semantic legal documents.

CelesOS allows various types of participants, including financial institutions, regulatory compliance agencies and users. CelesOS can not only support large-scale applications, but also provide safe services for these applications. It can attract regulators, financial institutions and end users to use the system by reducing operating costs and increasing regulatory efficiency.

CelesOS team members are all from top universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, UC Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Virginia Tech. Before joining CelesOS, they worked for the National Development Bank, CICC, Tencent and Huawei.

The team is very familiar with and proficient in the financial industry and financial supervision, and forms a gold team combining finance, supervision and blockchain technology.

Celes would like to thank every follower for your support and love for Celes. Welcome to follow us and we will continue to broadcast more informative news about Celes. Let us witness the reform of the blockchain together.

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CelesOS is an innovative public chain driven by financial services/applications and providing access for regulators and policy makers.