Annastesia Oneme Emakere
3 min readAug 12, 2019



The main aim of the trending blockchain technology is to transform and advance the global economic system by changing the traditional way of carrying out transaction, in order to bring about more efficiency and a more rewarding output.

As we've come to know, the blockchain has by far improved maximall the capacity of the various sectors that has chosen to invest in it and also adopt it and it still has the capacity to improve the entire global system to its maximum potential and zenith.

But despite its positivity,its sad to affirm that the blockchain technology is being crippled daily.

These imperfections includes,
Possibilities of being hacked
Negative sway on the surrounding
Slow speed of transactions
Underdeveloped consensus mechanism

The blockchain is being rendered counterproductive as the day passes by, as a result of these defects and blemish, but to aid and put an end to this flaws, meet...


Temtum is a decentralized blockchain system, with the sole purpose of improving the blockchain system.

It is completely different and better than the traditional blockchain systems, resulting from its advancement to make the blockchain industry effective and yielding once more.

To achieve their sole purpose which is efficiency in the industry, Temtum has devised a strategy to tackle and put an end to the setback in the blockchain industry.

So, let's access


Temtum blockchain platform has developed a very efficient and superior blockchain named Temporal blockchain.

The Temporal blockchain is a more advanced technology which has by far beats the traditional blockchain technologies, by providing lasting solution to numerous setbacks of traditional blockchain system.

That's not all
Temtum puts together the efficiency of the Temporal blockchain, with its (Temtum's) advanced consensus algorithm, to give the best to every user.

With the help of the Temporal blockchain, Temtum gives solution to the issue of speed, as the Temporal blockchain, runs a great number of transactions in a matter of seconds, which is a complete contrast of the traditional technology.

Temtum's consensus mechanism is a fully maximized and effective one, which makes the use of the Temtum blockchain platform, a beneficial one. It uses an environmental friendly consensus mechanism with no negative effect on the entire globe.

It doesn't require much to operate the system, but a yielding and effecient result is assured in the system.

By fully maximizing the Temporal blockchain and the quantum security strategies which makes use of the photon source, the Temporal blockchain is completely secured and protected against any form of attack.

With all these, Temtum will move the blockchain industry on to a great height, thereby bettering the every system which choose to invest in it. This in turns maximizes the global system in a massive way.

Decentralization of the Temtum system is a top class, due to its great and improved technologies, coupled with its superior methods.


Temtum also conceive a traditional currency of the system, known as the TEM.

A utility token, which is vital in effeciently running the system and externally to make payments, a currency usable on (Point-of-sales) POS, an online of virtual gaming currency and an e-commerce payment tender, and much more.


Temtum block chain platforms brings a total transformation in the blockchain industry.

I carefully corrects every defects negatively affecting and disrupting the flow of regular blockchain technologies and brings about a blameless industry, tailored towards unlocking the full potential and benefits of blockchain to ever users and investors.

The whitepaper and other social media platforms contains wealth of information for your perusal.


My bitcointalk profile link:

