To Be More Consistent, Stop These 5 Bad Habits

Here’s how I gave up these habits in 2022.

Khyati Jain


A woman smiling.
Photo by Michael Dam on Unsplash

My word for 2022 was consistency and I am proud to write that I maintained it extremely well throughout the year.

I wrote more than 200 articles, worked out at least three days a week, walked 6000+ steps daily, and ate reasonably healthy food.

I had to break terrible patterns and give up more than a few destructive habits to flourish in 2022.

Here are the five habits that I gave up, to make 2022 the most consistent year of my life so far.

1. Don’t follow the path someone laid out for you

This year I finally chose to do what I truly wanted to do — write.
I quit my job and started working full-time as an online writer.
The best decision I ever made.

I no longer live for weekends, and on the verge of sounding like a workaholic I miss my work on vacation.

I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. I was on a mini-vacation at Christmas, and I missed writing. Choosing writing was my biggest achievement in 2022.

The only reason I was able to follow my passion was that I finally stopped letting people decide for me.



Khyati Jain

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-