The 4 Necessary Body-Weight Exercises Recommended By Joe Rogan For A Ferocious Workout

These exercises are more than enough for a toned, slim, and lean figure.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


Joe Rogan Performing a middle split.
Joe Rogan doing a perfect middle split at 53. Instagram

Joe Rogan is a master of many trades. He is a renowned comedian with six comedy specials, a black belt holder in Jiu-Jitsu, and an expert commentator of mixed martial arts. He is the host of the 100 million dollars worth podcast — The Joe Rogan Experience.

He is an extremely fit guy. He does many things to stay fit like running, hiking, yoga, weight lifting. He is one of the fittest 50 year old men. He worships fitness and schedules his workouts on Sundays to make most of the week. He is a big inspiration for all fitness enthusiasts.

He has invited many athletes on his show from marathon runners, long-distance swimmers to professional CrossFit athletes. In a conversation with Tom Papa, he shared his pearls of wisdom on fitness and exercise.

According to joe you only need to do these 4 simple bodyweight exercises to get a Ferocious full-body workout.

1. Fight The Gravity

Some people hate this exercise while others cannot do a workout without them. Hate it or love it you got to do your push-up sets to build some serious upper body strength.



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-