What have we been seeking in the Temples?

Saurav Adh
5 min readMar 24, 2021


Growing up in a hindu religion I assure every one of us have visited temples and worshipped different forms of gods for diffrent purposes. The whole concept of religion is about being devoted to god and following a certain principles and walking a certain path. Young minds are soked in religious concepts way before the brain is able to process complex thoughts. Temples being a religious place, people visit temples in search of something that will bring out joy in life. The devotion to god is so strong that people create a room for god in their home and practice worshipping and mantra recitation.

Every single hindu family perform these actions except the atheist ones, because that is what we have been taught, that is what we have seen since the very young age. We never seem to ask why we do such, we just do because we believe in god and that is what we have to do to make god happy which will lead us to a joyful life. This type of belife certainly does play a role in creating certain level of happiness, as religious beliefs and culture are linked with a peaceful and a blissful life, but blindly beleiving in the divine energy and worshipping is not the point behind religious concepts. Worshipping god and praying for peace and happy life, staying in a queue for a glance of the statue of the god in the temple, spending fortune on religious ceremony and impressing god is not why GOD exist for. Simply put god is energy, energy that is so immense that it has the capacity to create and destroy everything. Energy is to be felt and on the verse of feeling this energy people tend to visit temples, chant mantras, peform pujas as a ceremony. As it turns out we donot focus on feeling the energy it self, we just act on a certain basis and think we have fulfilled our duty towards god. There is no duty towards, god is an energy which we need to feel from the very inside of our selves. There is no point in seeking god on the outer world, the energy resides within us and the religious places and certain religious culture were established so that we can find the presence of energy within us. But what can be seen in towads world is that people beleive that god resides in temples and worshipping the statues is what brings fulfillment. If that is the case then why do people who come out of restaurants more happier than the ones that come out of the temple?

Temples have their own scientific reasons for their establishment, it was never constructed as a home for gods where we go to worship. Temples have their own unique sequences of immense energy that were built up by ancient yoga practicers to allow themselves to practice meditation and build up a sense of peace and blissfulness. These energies when sync with the energy of our own body heightens the sense of consciousness and builds up a sense of peace. For this process to take place we need to be aware of our own consciousness and energy. To be aware meditation is the practice we muct perform. Ancient yogis used to go to such places to let their energies sync with the energy around to attain the height of ecstasy with out any intoxication. The significance of temples is directly related to the inner peace and ecstasy, but the system has been modified by us and what we seek in temple is god himself. It has been modified to a place where we go to get some of our wish fulfilled, we stay in a queue to get a glance of the statue of god and pray so that god fulfills our wish. We pray for ourselves, we wish for a brighter future, we ask for a better life, we worship the statue to get in sync with the peace but we never make an effort to sense the presence of energy around. The main objective of building of temples and religious places is to feel the presence of energy around and get in sync with it to create an inner sense of peace. Temple is not a home place of god, it is rather a place of immense energy that can be utilized to develop an inner sense of peace. Observe for yourself, instead of staying in a queue, instead of taking a glance at the statue, instead of praying for something you want, instead of beleiving that god will make everything right, find a quiet place inside a temple and sit in a meditative stance and try your best to be aware your your energy inside, feel the presence of the energy in the environment. A peaceful meditation even for a short time will bring immense peace with in us and that is what we actually seek inside temples. Temple possess a lot of energy but we have been looking it at a wrong way and practing a different method which has no significance at all. The mantras we chant also have a greater significance, these recitation of sounds creates a certain vibrating frequency which is exactly same as the frequency of the vibration of positive energy. Chanting mantras attract positive energy which will eventually lead into building of a positive life style. Observe for yourself why do such a soothing vibe is produced when we sit by an aarati? It is all because of the immense energy we are experiencing.

Have we ever thought about why actually we go to temple and worship? No we haven’t, we just blindly beleive and do what we have seen or been taught. What we ought to do is look behind the blind belife and focus on the energy that is with in us and in our surrounding because god himself is an enormous energy and we have him with in and the environment around us. Being aware about the energy and syncing our energy with the energy around religious temples is what will lead us to inner peace which we have been searching for a while by praying and worshipping god. God is an energy that needs no worshipment rather needs to be felt. Being aware about our energy is the most effective path to find what we have been seeking all along in the temples.



Saurav Adh

I write to share a view through my experiences, knowledge, and observation helping you for personal growth. e-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSTQSSHP