GSoC 2022 | Score Lab | Week 7 | React Email project updates

Niloy Sikdar
SCoRe Lab
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2022

Welcome to the GSoC’22 Blogs Index 6 - the seventh blog of the series where I am documenting my complete journey as a contributor (Student Developer) from Day zero to the end date for Google Summer of Code 2022. Hope you will like the series, so let’s get started.

By the way, if you haven’t checked out the previous blog, then you can go through it here: Week 6 Blog

Today I’m going to share the work I have done this week and the overall project updates from 25th July to 31st July (week 7, Sprint G).

Create example app

We needed one example application to show how to use our package with the already existing components and methods. That’s why I created a simple example application under the example directory to show how users can create Email Layouts using our components and use our utility functions to generate HTML and text versions from the layout.

Related issue: #59
Opened Pull Request: #69

Midterm Evaluation Result

Finally, the Midterm Evaluation result came out and I’m so happy that I have passed the evaluation successfully 🥳🎉. A big thanks to my super supportive mentor Milindu Sanoj Kumarage for helping me constantly and pushing me beyond my limits to learn and implement new things.

GSoC’22 Midterm Evaluation Result

Also, I went through all the valuable feedback provided by my mentor and will try to implement them in all the ways possible.

Currently, I’m working on the JSDoc comments and I’ll try to open a Pull Request for the same as soon as possible.

Tasks for the upcoming week:

  • Support for ESM
  • Add an example for ESM
  • Optimize the package
  • Add Quote component
  • Investigate hosting for Storybook, JSDoc, and Docusaurus docs
  • Add Storybook for the Example app
  • Add JSDoc comments to the util functions and generate Docs

Thanks for being there with me till now, the half of the GSoC’22 journey, hope you’re enjoying the blogs. I’ll try to improve my blogs and add more and more information in very simple ways in the future, so please stay tuned.

Burndown chart for Sprint G
Average Burndown Graph

Also, don’t forget to drop a star on the project GitHub repo! ⭐

You can connect with me on LinkedIn, also don’t forget to give this blog a clap if you have liked it.

Additionally, you can follow me on GitHub and Twitter, it will be appreciated.



Niloy Sikdar
SCoRe Lab

GSoC'23 @Sugar Labs, GSoC'22 @SCoRe Lab | Prev: Engineering @joinsemester, @buildonscenes, @SawoLabs | Founder and Prev-lead @gdscjgec | FOSS and Hackathons