Holiday to Tenerife: Part 2: One Night in Veronica

Mitch Wade Cole
2 min readOct 3, 2015

After being spewed out of the aircraft I had arrived at the land of the brave, Tenerife. After an awkward taxi journey with a faulty GPRS and a language barrier we finally made it to the digs. To my complete surprise they were super nice and the relaxed atmosphere of the hostel manager made it feel more like an Air BNB than a hostel. We then set our sites on the premiership, Veronica Strip.

It’s a very interesting place, it’s like a mega Yates, or maybe a Wetherspoons on crack. The drinks were neon and enough to give any regular WKD low self-esteem.

Approaching the strip itself was frought with its own set of specific challenges. We were constantly harangued by club promoters and ‘lookie lookie’ men a name they get because they constantly walk around trying to sell you sunglasses.

More surprisingly at least for me was the sheer volume of strip clubs / brothels that far exceed the number of promoters and lookie lookies alike. Asking you to ‘just take a look’ obligation free and then general Prostitutes that WILL follow you if you get their slightest attention. Their tactics hugely more blatant and predatorial than the promoters and the like. I feel that it’s the October season that contributes to every workers desperation to find business as work becomes scares with winter approaching.

Again though I am enjoying it and the weather is wonderful, I woke up to see baron cliff faces and a hangover to match.

