The Panjea Product Files: Onboarding

4 min readOct 10, 2023


This is the first of our articles that looks at the Panjea product. At time of writing, we are incredibly close to having our first proof-of-concept MVP ready — and wanted to take some time to look at the current development. Hopefully these product shots can give you an idea of the level of commitment and hard work that has gone into the user interface and working system.

So what better place to start than onboarding. It’s going to be your first experience with the platform and something that will be the same for every user — from the titanic content creators that we want to attract through to our behind the scenes viewers, who’ll hopefully be coming for a new kind of content experience

The Panjea Product Files: Onboarding

Main Net Sign Up

Signing up should be easy. The journey starts with the detection of a PANJ wallet that can be used in the payment of the initial (and ongoing) subscription costs. Once this has been completed, you’re free to see all content and your views will be counted towards creator rewards.

Subscription also grants you the power to add your own seed content (linked to the network) or strengthen other content links to increase prominence of a piece of content.

Content Preview

Once you’ve onboarded, then it’s on to the content. First however, we need to set out a few ground rules and ideas. Content on Panjea has several components, based on a nodal network (child and parent) structure. These include seeds (content posts), categories, previews (navigation highlights) and links.

Categorically Yours

Categories are the scaffold for the structure in the test net, using set nodes in the network structure to act as guidance points around different types of content. You’ll be presented with familiar content options to aid in engagement and demonstrate the potential for different content types.

At launch, there will be two levels of categories. Imagine that there is a music category, which will then have subcategories such as hard rock, melodic techno, or acid jazz. No user generated seeds (content posts) can be directly added to the top category.

Why are we mentioning this at the onboarding stage? Because prior to getting a Panjea account, you’ll still be able to browse these two levels of categories, together with previews of the seed content. We want to be able to flex the hard work that our creators have been putting into the platform, after all…

Free to Explore

User led moderation and content navigation is part of the core promise to the Panjea community. So whilst we do not want to impose any structure onto the networking (we believe that over time navigation and prominence will be decided by the users) — we have chosen to use categorisation to make the network usable at a small scale.

As users become more sophisticated at using Panjea, we anticipate that they will use different entry points (over the categories) to traverse the network, navigating from recommended to related seeds.

Future Developments

We are considering adding user generated categories and subcategories to the platform in order to aid content navigation — if it is needed. Optimisation will occur during the beta phase, and as we discover how you and the rest of our first community are using Panjea — we plan to optimise for those behaviours.

Fear not Aleph Zero fans. Panjea is in extensive talks with partner projects in the ecosystem to develop smooth and simple onboarding. With our plans to take web3 and blockchain mainstream, to new users and audiences who have previously avoided this technology — getting a smooth and easy on-ramp to the platform could be a key part of our success.

If you share this vision of the internet and this message is resonating with you — then perhaps Panjea might be the right place for you to call home. Find out more at our website




#PANJEA is a #blockchain based social media network. Imagine being paid for simply being yourself -