Midas pre-sale: whitelist open

Midas Tech AG
Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2018


We have been contacted by several persons regarding “MidasProtocol”. This Singapore-based project has no connection to Midas whatsoever as its public activity started in May 2018, while the founders seek to raise 18.000 ETH right at the time we originally planned our token sale. As people already got confused and asked for clarification we’ve made some strategic decisions in this matter.

To prevent any further confusion we decided to postpone our token sale for several weeks. Meanwhile, we continue the development of the app with private funding. We take this decision not only to avoid a messy name situation during the sale period but also to differentiate Midas from the numerous ICOs out there. Too many projects jump from an idea directly to a multi-million dollar sale, many without ever delivering anything.

Hard facts

We have been working on Midas for over a year now, whereas the technological development ie. coding started back in November last year. Since then, we have received a lot of support that gives us a bit more air to breath. We want to pay back this trust and make sure to conduct our token sale in a responsible manner. Considering our current working speed the new TGE date is going to be end of Q3 / start of Q4 2018.

👉 Meanwhile, we start whitelisting for our pre-sale. Individuals and institutions can purchase tickets for a limited amount of MDS tokens. Available ticket sizes:

  • June 1st — 30th: 4 X CHF 250.000
  • July 1st — 31th: 10 X CHF 100.000
  • August 1st — 31th: 20 X CHF 50.000

If interested please contact via hi@midas.social 👈

All rewards for the Beta sign-up will be paid according to plan (Haven’t signed up yet? →this way)

We thank you for your support and look forward to share the Midas experience with you 🖖

