
Violet Andoyo

5 min readOct 6, 2014

Monday, September 15:

Number of times in one day: 2


Time of day: 9:00 p.m.
Location: Business district in Nairobi
Were you alone? Yes
Was he alone? No
What happened?
These men were between 26–30 years years old. All were well dressed and seemed decent. You wouldn’t suspect that they would talk so badly, but they shouted at me as I walked by.


Time of day: 11:03 p.m.
Location: Business district in Nairobi
Were you alone? Yes
Was he alone? No
What happened? There were three men, who were similar to the first group: they were between 26–30 years years old. All were well dressed and seemed decent. They called, “Kuja utuuzie,” which means “Come and sell for us.” They thought I was a sex worker because I was coming from work and walking alone. When I refused, they started hurling insults like, “cheap prostitute” and “ugly.”

Tuesday, September 16:

Number of times: None.

Wednesday, September 17:

Number of times: None.

Thursday, September 17:

Number of times: 5 (the same two men all day)


Time of day: 6:03 a.m.; 10:00 a.m.; 1:00 p.m.; 3:00 p.m.; 8:00 p.m.
Location: All over the city
Were you alone? No
Was he alone? No
Where was it? All over Nairobi

What happened?
We were shooting a movie all over Nairobi throughout the day. They were colleagues on set, and they kept irritating me all day long. Both were mature men—one was about 34 and the other looked about 65. They were well-dressed professionals and well exposed. They said things like, “Wewe nikikupata utoana,” which means, “If I get hold of you, you’ll see, I swear, just wait we finish this project!” They also said, “You have beautiful legs, eyes…” They were even negotiating my dowry despite the fact that they barely knew me!

Friday, September 18:

Number of times: 2


Time of day: 11:00 a.m.
Location: A local market
Were you alone? No, with my sister
Was he alone? Yes
What happened?
A sloppily dressed man stared at us intensely as we walked by.


Time of day: 4:30 p.m.
Location: A local market
Were you alone? No, with my sister
Was he alone? Yes
What happened?
Also sloppily dressed, this man seemed like he had walked for a long distance. He kept looking at us while standing and making expressions like licking his lips…it was disgusting .

Saturday, September 19:

Number of times: 4


Time of day: 9:00 a.m.
Were you alone? Yes
Was he alone? Yes
What happened?
A local man stared at me as I walked by.


Time of day: 11:00 a.m.
Were you alone? No, with friends.
Was he alone? Yes
What happened?
A man stared and winked wickedly. He looked about 25–30.


Time of day: 11:30 a.m.
Were you alone? Yes
Was he alone? Yes
What happened?
The man was anywhere between 25 and 50. Someone you wouldn’t suspect that they would talk to badly or make negative comments. Saturday is an easy day; there are not many people on the streets in the mornings. On this day the most disgusting quite was, “You do not have to work, you can always have sex with me and I’ll provide everything.”


Time of day: 10:00 p.m.
Location: In a popular club
Were you alone? No
Was he alone? No, he was with another woman.
What happened?
I was in a club where I had gone with friends, and this older man—he looked around 50—kept dancing indecently trying to touch women he did not know. He wasn’t even bothered that he was with another woman.

Sunday, September 20:

Number of times: 1


Time of day: 2:30 p.m.
Location: My church
Were you alone? Yes
Was he alone? Yes
What happened?
After church, a mature man, decent from the outlook, approached me and said, “Bwana wazuri wako kanisani, nijaribu,” which means, “Good men are found in church try me.”

Monday, September 22:

Number of times: 2


Time of day: 6:30 a.m.
Were you alone? Yes
Was he alone? Yes
What happened?
I was driving when a young looking man driving a Subaru kept looking over at me and winking wickedly. We were stuck in a traffic jam so he was there for some time.


Time of day: 7:45 p.m.
Were you alone? Yes
Was he alone? No
What happened?
This man was older, about 60-years-old. The same thing happened as above: he was driving next to me in a traffic jam and kept staring at me and making faces as we drove.

