My Nephew is the Relationship Guru We All Need

I learned more about love from a 5-year-old than anyone else

Gaurav Dahiya


My nephew when he was 3 months old
My nephew (All images by the author)

I have lived with over seven kids in my life, and none of them were mine. Among these kids, the one kid who impacted my life the most is my nephew, Vaidik.

I still remember the day he was born, black-haired, with big eyes. I had never seen such a beautiful kid in my life and my heart instantly filled with so much love.

What I didn’t know, even at that moment, was how much this sweet boy would change my life.

Vaidik came to live with us when he was just 10 months old. As my mom was busy with chores most of the time, I suddenly had the duty of taking care of this small human with chubby cheeks.

And he filled my broken heart with love.

My nephew at 11 months
Vaidik, when he was 11 months old

There were struggles along the way because raising a kid is hard. Even though my mother was doing the major work of feeding and bathing him, I found myself busy all the time.

It made me realize kids require a lot of time and dedication.



Gaurav Dahiya

Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health Enthusiast | Conscious & Natural Living Advocate | Inquiries:➡️