Server Unit for ComBox-480/IC-960

ComBox Technology
1 min readSep 21, 2018


The Unit includes a server and communication equipment. Loading of computing units online without the use of discs is implemented. The configured system image for the computing unit is stored on the server. It helps to update the executable program (mining algorithm) on all devices immediately.

The Linux operating system provides the reliability of the server and remote full system configuration. The equipment of the server unit is connected through an uninterrupted power supply. The surveillance cameras are powered through PoE.

The server has software to manage and inform the operator via messenger. The authorized user can remotely change the operating modes of the system or a specific computing unit, get the current status, power consumption, temperature, computing power of the system and other parameters of the system using the messenger. In case of an emergency, all authorized users are sent information messages. Functions and features of the solution:

  • Reliable OS Linux
  • Flexible OS configuration through SSH
  • 1 GB/s local network capacity
  • Fast network download of 8 blocks (12 video cards per each)
  • Individual settings of each computing unit
  • Remote restart and recovery of the compute unit when hanging
  • Continued logging of all system parameters
  • The authorized users are informed about events
  • Operative remote control of any element of the system by messenger
  • Quick change of executable program by replacing downloadable OS
  • The main and alternate access channel to the Internet
  • MPI 3.0, ZeroMQ, RabbitMQ are supported
  • Video surveillance IP cameras with PoE power
  • UPS with control interface

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ComBox Technology

ComBox Technology is a system integrator in the field of information technology and neural networks