Six Doctors For a Medical Revolution

2 min readAug 26, 2014


There are many, many awesome health bloggers out there. The resistance salutes all of them.

6 Outstanding Doctors

Linus Pauling
Joanna Budwig

Dr Richard Schulze
Dr David Brownstein
Dr Mark Sircus
Dr Mercola.

Together, these doctors have covered nearly every aspect of health. Cancer, heart disease, fatigue, thyroid problems, and an A-Z of other ailments.

Linus Pauling

Twice Nobel prize winner. Specialized in nutritional cures for heart disease. Discovered link between low vitamin C levels (scurvy) and arterial disease.

Joanna Budwig

Doctorate in Physics and Chemistry. Worked out a simple protocol (flax seed and cottage cheese) to cure cancer and other diseases.

Dr Richard Schulze

Specializes in herbs and healthy living. Uses cold showers, cayenne, chinese herbs and vigorous exercise to cure nearly any disease.

Dr Mark Sircus

Specialises in Magnesium oil, Vitamin D, Iodine and Chinese medicine. Deep knowledge of high level nutrition.

Dr David Brownstein

Iodine expert. Helped awaken the world to the Iodine deficiency modern super plague.

Dr Mercola

Huge archive of extraordinarily well researched articles on every aspect of health. Radical, but common sense ideas backed up by rigorous research and footnotes.


One day, their writing will be standard in all medical schools. Until then, they have all written gigabytes of free information.

Many people owe all these doctors the good health they enjoy today. Thanks for their tireless work.





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