Wood Pellets Coin
1 min readApr 24, 2018

- Guaranteed profit : Investing in WPCoin in the early stages of the project will result in a profit of 300%.
- Finished products : Each investor can receive finished products of WPCoin. Exchanging WPC for the appropriate amount of wood pellets, based on a calculation of 1 ton of wood pellets per 100 WPCoin on FCA
terms. http://foex.fi/biomass/
- Payments : Payments will be made monthly in the crypto currency of Ether (ETH), on the purse from which the investment was made, which gives high guarantees of obtaining your profits on time.
- Demand : High demand for wood pellets is provided by the legislation of developed countries in the field of ecology. The growth in demand is due to the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol.
- Compensatio n: Special Program The Government of the Russian Federa- tion compensates up to 80% of actually incurred costs when transporting wood pellets to foreign markets to the destination point.

- Eco Mining : Mining using renewable energy sources on biomass, where some of the heat is diverted to create a cold (immersion cooling).