Crystul Kizer is more damaged from Hero Blaming

Blog Writer
Dr Cooks Society
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2024


This is one of the rare cases of when the rape victim is also the hero for killing her rapist. However this court is letting a dead rapist slutshame her from the grave. This is the case where the murder investigation should have been cancelled immediately and the hero should be pardoned. If we do not pardon Ms. Kizer then we know the justice system is rigged against the hero. We seen years of hero blaming when random samaritans (usually men) kill incels, misogynists, pedophiles, child molesters, Domestic Abusers, rapists, transphobes and homophobes. These things always end in Hero Blaming and lecturing these samaritans that “We Live in a Modern Society”. This is always a ploy to to make the heroes more paranoid than even this victims in this case she was saving from this abuse. Apparently PTSD increases for the heroes and we never address this one. Hope we give therapy for the Heroes. These types of people should never be in prison to begin with.

Here is an Update as of 2024 its sad that she is arrested again in Louisiana.

