A Counterintuitive Truth About Mental Energy And Motivation

June 2nd edition of the Ma(n)ximize newsletter

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2022


Photo by RODNAE Productions:

Rest day. Woke up late. Had a comfy hot shower. Ate a heavy breakfast. Followed it up with an even heavier lunch. An intoxicating siesta.

I should be bursting with energy, right?

But I’ve never felt lazier. Motivational videos, heart-joltingly powerful music, distraction blockers. Nothing worked today.

As the sun’s fast setting and I finish begrudgingly editing one article, I’m legit puzzled, “Why am I so low on energy when I haven't even spent any?”

Then a mini-epiphany strikes me.

Energy Is a (Weirdly) Infinite Resource

On regular days, I either lift weights or practice Muay Thai for 1.5 to 2 hours in the mornings. Then, it’s a cold shower followed by meditation and bullet journaling.

Logic dictates that my morning routine alone should leave me dead. But reason fails here.

Not only do I then work on my full-time 9 to 5 but also get my writing, reading, and side-projects done.

Funnily, it’s during my most productive days that I’m buzzing with energy even as I go to bed.



Neeramitra Reddy

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