A ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Collaboration

Authors, come join us!


Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

Did you ever read ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ stories as a kid?

I did!

They were so much fun. There’s a real pulp-thriller feel to each short instalment/chapter, with each one ending in a set of choices for what the character should do next (or, of course, with ‘The End’).

If you’re not familiar with this kind of book, here are some titles to give you a flavor of a genre that has some real Jules Verne vibes:

  • The Cave of Time
  • By Balloon Across the Sahara
  • Space and Beyond
  • Journey Under the Sea
  • Prisoner of the Ant People
Front cover of a classic ‘Choose your own adventure’ book.
Image source: canadiem.org. Marked free to reuse.

I’ve found a couple of attempts at creating collaborative fiction here on Medium, but the writers involved seem to have become inactive some months or years back.

Who would be up for giving it another shot?


I suggest the following guidelines to help keep things running as smoothly as possible:



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.