20 Brutally Honest Fat-Loss Truths that Most Won’t Reveal

The fitness industry thrives on lies

Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readSep 1, 2022


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I’m fed up with the fitness industry’s bullsh*t.

Branding fatal chemicals as fat-loss pills. Shoving snake-oil products down unsuspecting throats. Going viral on TikTok with gimmicky useless exercises.

Need I mention inventing a fancier fancy diet every day for “rapid” fat loss?

I want to share 30 truth barbs to sear through this cesspool of pseudoscience and misinformation:

  1. Fitness models with washboard abs, roadmap veins, and paper-thin skin use a copious amount of diuretics — and steroids.
  2. 8+ hours of sleep is the most crucial fat-loss factor.
  3. For natural fat loss, going below 10% body fat isn’t worth it — your testosterone levels, food intake, and mental health plummet.
  4. Losing fat without building muscle will make you look anorexic, not ripped. So prioritize resistance training.
  5. No matter what your “body type” is, the only way to lose fat is through a calorie deficit — every fancy diet strives to achieve this only.
  6. Crunches and side bends won’t “target” your belly fat. You can only shed overall body fat — your genetics will determine where you lose it from…



Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health

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