How-To StockSwipe

Thomas Mann
All Things Stocks


March 5, 2016

Hunting for trading apps is a part of my trading strategy. I trade 100% mobile so having trading info in a few apps saves time in research and analysis. StockSwipe is my latest trading app find that offers a unique ticker cloud based on Twitter tweets and charting from TradeView.

StockSwipe is free. After a week of testing the features it generally runs well and the feature connections make sense. Feature summary: Ticker cloud, TradingView charts, Twitter stream with ability to share, company profile, a suggestion system called ‘Cards,’ and a watchlist.

What follows is my review after a week of testing StockSwipe. Overall, this app has made it into my ‘top 9' trading apps. These top 9 are what I refer to daily.

StockSwipe’s MarketView is the main section of the app. The graphical view of trending tickers on Twitter via a ticker cloud is unique and a great way to summarize what’s most relevant in trading NOW. There’s a ticker and market tape at that top that streams updates through out the day. News from various sources appears at the bottom and updates through out the day.

Clicking on a ticker in StockSwipe brings up a TradingView chart that can be customized for period, pps plot type, adding indicators and overlays, and moving perspectives by holding and moving. There’s a “share trading idea” icon on the top right to share the chart to your social medium.

Clicking on a ticker from the ticker cloud not only brings up a chart but also the Twitter stream that substantiates the ‘buzz’ of the ticker. Click on a tweet will bring you to your Twitter app and profile for replying.

The Profile section of a ticker shows a quick snapshot of fundamentals such as PE, EPS, dividend yield, market cap, 52 week range, earnings date, and my favorite section with analyst recommends and other analyst stats.

Here’s a further look at the TradingView chart features in the Chart section. Note the indicators added CCI, CMF, EFI, and MACD. Time periods are 1-day to 6-months in the selection menu but seem to be really 3-months to max chart period. The 1-day to 6-month seems to refer to intervals plotted which makes me beg for 1-minute to hourly interval plots.

‘Cards’ are a unique feature in StockSwipe. Instead of allowing a user to openly search for a ticker, the Cards section offers the app’s hottest suggestions to save to your Watchlist section. A user can swipe left to add the Card as a ‘short’ idea or swipe right to add as a ‘long’ idea.

There’s a filter icon on the top left of the Cards section to filter tickers suggested by industry.

At first I was taken aback by the lack of Search option but then started to realize that this suggestion system may be deliberate to direct a user towards popular tickers being traded identified by the app.

Once cards are added to a user’s Watchlist they can be viewed in the Watchlist section. There’s a count indicator on the bottom right of a card that keeps track of how many StockSwipe users have added as a short or long on a Watchlist.


StockSwipe is a great free trading app that adds its own uniqueness to the iPhone trading app population. The ticker cloud based on tweet statistics alone puts the app above most trading apps I use. The TradeView chart feature puts StockSwipe head and shoulders with other trading apps.

I’ve searched for the ability to quickly find tickers trending on Twitter and most online services charge a hefty monthly fee for the info. StockSwipe puts the tweets momentum into a cloud via an app. Win win for a mobile trader!

As more users join the app I suspect Cards will start to have more relevance. The user stats of short and long will be better with ten+ suggestions. Some suggestions below might bring the social aspect of the app into greater relevance.


After testing the app from 2/29 to 3/4/16 I find the app could be improved by:

  • Change the News view in the MarketView to be smaller news headlines so more can be seen at once. Currently a user must scroll through with about two shown at a time.
  • Develop a FAQ that explains how Cards can be used and how StockSwipe determines card suggestions for user selection.
  • Allow a ticker selected from the ticker cloud to be saved as a card in the Watchlist.
  • Add a feature that ties StockSwipe users together. A profile and ability to follow other users to see their cards? A chat system for users to collaborate together and discuss cards?

Do you, the reader, have more suggestions? Feel free to comment with them and I’ll incorporate them into this review! Ace Green, StockSwipe designer, is very responsive to requests.



Thomas Mann
All Things Stocks

Passionate about family, business, investing/trading, and MBA topics. Auditor by trade and trader by heart. Quick posts for inspiration. Twitter @MBATMann