Host the Future! Sidera is about to let you run masternodes and stack rewards!

We are proud to announce that the devs are currently elaborating the data and algorithms required to reward masternode hosts, once the swap from Ethereum to our own blockchain is completed.

SIDERA Blockchain Technologies
1 min readOct 25, 2018

The masternodes are servers that provide a variety of services to run the cryptocurrency, and they guarantee a yeld under the form of fees to those that host them.
Sidera is currently dedicating a dynamically changing ammount of eQUOS that provide a fair reward to the bandwidth and services that each masternode can offer.
After launch, the required ammount of tokens to be locked to host a masternode will be 7500 eQUOS. This sum is variable according to eQUOS nominal price.
The esteemed yeld for each masternode is roughly 16/18% per month.
We want to be clear about the uncertainty of these esteems: they will be re-evaluated along the infrastructure development. As the mainnet will be up, a sharper esteem will be released.

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SIDERA Blockchain Technologies

SIDERA is the first technology based on decentralized wearable devices-simple to use. SIDERA - wearing the future.