Step 1: Create RDS MySQL — AWS Serverless to MySQL

2 min readSep 2, 2018


Create RDS MySQL

Create MySQL database
Select the MySQL Database
Select the Dev/Test — MySQL for Lab
Options for Instance Specification

Select the “Only enable options eligible for RDS Free Usage Tier” to avoid additional charge.

Setting on the DB ID and Master Username Password
Network and Security for MySQL

We will connect the RDS internally and this should be the common practice.

Database Options
Click “Create database”

We can leave other options as default and focus on connecting MySQL through Lambda.

The Database is created.
The details of your MySQL.

Mark the following values for the Lambda to connect.

  1. Endpoint

Go to the following story to create the Lambda and API Gateway

Step 2: Create Lambda and API Gateway (Nodejs) — AWS Serverless to RDS MySQL

