Bill Gates’s Marriage Ends up in Divorce Just like the Blue Screen of Death

But we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple in this next phase of our lives. — Melinda Gates & Bill Gates

I, Napoleon B.


Private lives become public. Where else do power couples announce their divorce? It has to be on Twitter. This is how the world knew of what could be the biggest tech news of 2021. In a joint statement released on the Twitter account of Bill Gates, the end of Gates's marriage was released.

One thing is on my mind, something written by Walter Isaacson, In Search of the Real Bill Gates.

Ann Winblad
Public Domain — JD Lasica

Another of Gates’ vacation companions is Ann Winblad, the software entrepreneur and venture capitalist he dated during the 1980s… For a few years she even persuaded him to stop eating meat, an experiment he has since resolutely abandoned.

They were kindred minds as well as spirits.

“Even now, Gates has an arrangement with his wife that he and Winblad can keep one vacation tradition…



I, Napoleon B.

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