Fetch Crypto data with Vue.js and Tailwind (Part 1)

Richard Taujenis
Published in
4 min readApr 12, 2022


Crypto is all the rage thus I figured why not create a project where you can search and display the coins real time value, rank and so forth.

This article will be split into two parts:

  1. Default App.vue and the main template in views/Home.vue and fetch nomics API crypto data(you can choose other crypto API providers like Coinmarketcap, CoinGecko, etc)
  2. Create CryptoCoin, CryptoSelect components that will search for a particular coin. Once selected or searched the coin will be displayed after data has been loaded.

For a YouTube video guide press here.

With the help of Tailwind CSS, I am beyond satisfied with the way it turned out 🤩

Note: I will not cover how to setup Tailwind CSS, if you have not done it yet please follow this link or do the classic Google search. 🔍

Introducing App

You may be expecting most of the code or instances to be built in App.vue but it's not!



Richard Taujenis

Quality engineer here to bring you relevant content related to Python, JavaScript(VueJS) and so much more. Find out more 🌲 https://linktr.ee/richard_taujenis