Setup Local Server by Installing XAMPP on Windows (setup tutorials)

Ruman Ahmed
1 min readJun 7, 2023


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Setup Local Server by Installing XAMPP on Windows (setup tutorials)

  1. Steps-01: Download XAMPP from the official website:
  2. Steps-02: Run the Installer File that you just downloaded from the link.
  3. Choose the Components that you want to install. You can select Apache, MySQL, PHP, and other optional components.
  4. Select the Installation Directory where you want to install XAMPP. The default location is C:\xampp, but you can choose any other directory as well. In this case, I would recommend you use the default directory.
  5. Click “Next” to proceed with the installation.
  6. Configure settings as desired, such as setting up your MySQL password. Mysql default username and password;
    username: root
    password: “ ”(empty)

Complete the Installation process by following the prompts.

  1. Launch XAMPP Control Panel by clicking the “XAMPP” shortcut on your desktop or you can search from your Windows search panel.
  2. Start the necessary services (e.g., Apache, MySQL) from the control panel.

That’s it! XAMPP should now be successfully installed on your Windows computer.

