Setting *Ridiculous* Goals vs *Simple* Daily Habits

Failing to meet my New Year resolutions taught me a valuable lesson.

Anangsha Alammyan
Published in
7 min readMar 2, 2024


Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Set goals.

Break down the goals into actionable steps. Plan how and when you’ll carry each stage out of your big goal.


That’s how we make dreams come true, right?

But if it were truly that easy, wouldn’t we all have already achieved everything we ever dreamed of?

It’s the planning phase, the gap between the setting goals and executing them part. This is where most of us get stuck.

I began 2024 on a high note. I set a couple of ridiculous goals, following the technique outlined by Greg Isengerg. The process felt liberating and exhilarating —

  • I set goals for things I normally won’t dream of achieving in a year. I aimed to publish four books this year.
  • I broke down those goals into actionable steps spread out through the year, which gave me a roadmap of what I need to do every month.
  • I set my travel dates accordingly so I can be all set to achieve my ridiculous goals.

