ALEHUB.IO — A Blockchain Project Management for IT industry. — Bitcoin News

4 min readJun 1, 2018


There are lots of projects that are active working nowadays, but on IT and High-tech industries the project management and freelancing is really big compared to other

industries. In order to maintain the stability and correct development is needed lots of resources, storage capacities, computing and others.

Also Internationalization issues affect industry to the fullest extent. Processes of approval of rules, procedures, financing and risk management are growing more and more urgent.

Today’s world is moving too fast and decentralization it’s the new power in creating new systems and new paths to the digital world. Blockchain is a special technology innovation enabling people to connect and interact much safely and protected.

So, Blockchain is solution here. Allowing the project management, decision-making process, and other necessary features called for development of our own protocol and software tools, which are correlated with such protocol by logic and processing.

The system developed by ALE HUB on a new protocol, offers the possibility to manage projects via simple and intention-revealing interface supporting on Android/iOS mobile devices.

ALE HUB system have been created to provide better and more sophisticated environment to search, find and approving contract partners which will fulfill all the requirements that the contractor needs. The contacts terms can be adapted by the parties for external or
internal condition or due specific scenarios to work with. The algorithm will take care also for the reservation, payments, compensation and profit sharing in case is needed. It is also compatible with legislation of different states — literally every project is fulfilled in jurisdiction of some state defined before official publishing of contract.

Blockchain Project management is one of the main focuses on ALEHUB.

ALEHUB permits installing version control systems, subsystems for issue-following or documentation, and so forth. Because of the utilization of private blockchains, the data isn’t open for unauthorized parties and the platform and its nodes don’t need to store.

Among other advantages of ALEHUB a perspective system of funding startups is worth mentioning. The users can act as a customer with an idea — and due to token economy it is possible both to finance and implement the project using just one platform. The client is able to make an initial attempt to implement the idea with relatively small expenses and, potentially, external financing. And it is not necessary to actually create organization: initial financing is performed in the system. Thus ALEHUB might become a new accelerator for
startups with no actual analogues. Sometimes the absence of such tool prevents magnificent ideas form being implemented when an author has no enough resources or required skills.

Also ALEHUB maintains the concept of security tokens. These are special tokens which are an analogue of stocks — but applied to platform. Firstly, token holders get a share of rewards form all contracts fulfilled. Secondly, token holders are able to influence the development of the system. To prevent the community from disintegration (which happened to some cryptocurrencies in the past) ALEHUB implements a voting mechanism for proposed principles of system development. The embedding of this mechanism makes the voting and notification process more transparent.


The legal nature of payment. For mutual settlements ALE uses “containers” containing real currency.

Legal value of the electronic contract. All contracts concluded within the ALE platform are legally significant due to compliance with national requirements for documents.

Highly volatile means of payment.

Cryptocurrencies are volatile, making them an unviable payment method for real business. The system of cash holding “containers” solves this problem.

Contradiction to national and industrial standards.

ALE allows users to choose the rules of interaction within the ALE platform. Therefore, one should act in accordance with the requirements of legislation and business.

The inevitability of fulfilling obligations.

Financial obligations are regulated by smart contracts, through which a trusted environment is formed.

Integrity and unchangeability of documentation.
Confirmed by storage in the blockchain, so documents within the ALE ecosystem are legally guaranteed.

Therefore, ALEHUB is an ambitious attempt to combine the advantages of distributed ledger and functions of freelance platforms. Be better prepared for the future, be freelancer and make your contribution in new digital world with ALEHUB.IO.


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