Java for Humans {Conclusion: Fun Projects & Job Market}

Lincoln W Daniel
ModernNerd Code
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2016


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At this point, you’ve learned everything you need to know about Java to get started on developing your own projects. Here’s a list of projects you can start with to build upon your new knowledge of Java:

Easy Console Applications

  • Study guide application to solidify your understanding of the Java concepts you’ve learned in this book. This will require you work with loops, objects, methods, and a HashMap.
  • A simple calculator application to do some math to work on your knowledge of operators and user input and output.

Moderate GUI Applications

  • A chat bot application. Keep an array of phrases the robot can say back to you and have one displayed whenever you enter something in the console. You can use some string manipulation and parsing to decide what the robot says back to you depending on what you say to it. Create a JavaFX GUI with one TextArea to show your conversation with the robot, one TextField for you to input a message, and a button to send the message to the robot.
  • Create a to-do list of tasks you have to complete today. You can have the same GUI as the chat bot application but with an extra button that lets you delete a task.

Moderate Android…



Lincoln W Daniel
ModernNerd Code

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