Defending Ethan Klein of H3 on Israel-Palestine (“Zionism”)

E.V. Solanas (إيفيلينا)
24 min readDec 15, 2023


Ethan Klein, host of the popular H3 Podcast, has faced online accusations of Zionism, including supporting the genocide of Palestinians at the hand of Israel’s government, stemming from his commentary on the Israel-Palestine conflict since October 7, 2023. However, a closer examination of Klein’s statements rejects and refutes this characterization.

This post will analyze Klein’s actual stances and rhetoric. By contextualizing his remarks within relevant podcast dialogues, it becomes clear that Klein does not fit the Zionist label ascribed to him. His role as an independent commentator tackling multifaceted disputes, and the nuances of his views that fall outside of mainstream perspectives, preclude easy categorization.

At times, I will also touch on the views of Hasan Piker, the former co-host of Klein’s Leftovers podcast. Piker is a Turkish-American political commentator, Twitch streamer, and in the case of Israel and Palestine, occasional foil to Klein’s perspectives. Examining their interplay will provide useful context for interpreting Klein’s disputed stances on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Brief Overview of the Israel-Palestine Conflict after October 7, 2023
Tensions boiled over between Israel and Palestine on October 7, 2023 when militant groups, led by Hamas, executed a large-scale offensive on southern Israel from Gaza. This unexpected attack, dubbed Operation al-Aqsa Flood, involved substantial air and ground assaults on multiple border zones, resulting in over 1,000 Israeli casualties and hostages taken.¹ In retaliation, Israel launched widespread airstrikes on Gaza targeting both militants and civilians. These initial attacks led to hundreds of deaths, thousands injured, and immense damage to homes and infrastructure over a 3-week period.²

International human rights groups condemned Israel’s response as excessive and disproportionate. Later, according to Palestinian authorities, Israeli strikes killed over 7,700 Palestinians, including thousands of women and children, and wounded nearly 20,000 more.³ Organizations like Amnesty International have accused Israel of severely disregarding civilian lives in Gaza through the use of overwhelming force during the assaults.

Ethan Klein on Israel and Palestine
Since October 7, 2023, and on occasion prior, Ethan Klein, a Jewish American, has been vocal about his views on the Israel-Palestine conflict. He is married to Hila Klein, an Israeli-born Jewish woman who spent much of her early life in Israel and, as is required of most Israeli citizens, served in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Hila Klein, known for her work as a YouTuber and fashion designer, served in a non-combat role during her mandatory service in the IDF, despite baseless accusations suggesting otherwise. Important to note: refusing or evading mandatory conscription in Israel can lead to criminal penalties as well as significant social stigma and barriers to seeking mental health support, especially among certain communities.

The term “Zionist” refers to a supporter of Zionism, a movement for the re-establishment and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. While Klein has connections to Israel through his wife and has lived there himself, his public statements and actions indicate a more nuanced view. He has criticized Israel’s actions in the conflict and shown sympathy for Palestinians, which is not consistent with the claim that he supports the genocide of Palestinians. For instance, he has donated to the Palestinian Relief Fund, a charity that provides medical supplies and food in Gaza. As the following will demonstrate, the assertion that Ethan Klein is a Zionist and endorses the genocide of Palestinians is not supported by his public statements and actions.

Below Is Evidence of Ethan Klein:
Condemning Israel, the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu, the IDF, and Zionism.
2: Sympathizing with Palestinians and condemning Israel’s violence against them in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.
3: Calling for more empathy for average Israeli citizens, many of whom do not support violence toward Palestinians, and a broader understanding of the cultural contexts involved in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

(The evidence presented here may encompass aspects of all three categories, so the items have been organized according to their most prominent focus. Please note that this compilation is not exhaustive, but can serve as a megathread of sorts debunking claims of Ethan Klein’s Zionism.)

Ethan Klein’s Criticism of the Israeli Government and IDF
Klein has been critical of the Israeli government and the IDF, condemning their actions against Palestinians. He has expressed his views across his podcasts and on social media platforms, calling out the atrocities committed by the Israeli government. This stance aligns with the principles of human rights and international law, which condemn violence and oppression against any group of people. Klein’s criticism of the Israeli government and IDF is not an attack on the Israeli people or Judaism, but a critique of the actions of a political entity.

Defense of the Average Israeli Citizen
While Klein is critical of the Israeli government and IDF, he has also defended the perspective of the average Israeli citizen. He acknowledges that any solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict must consider the reality that millions of Jewish people live in Israel and many perceive pro-Palestine sentiments as a threat to their existence. This nuanced view recognizes the complexity of the conflict and the need for a solution that respects the rights and security of both Israelis and Palestinians.

  • Ethan Klein denounces Benjamin Netanyahu, IDF, Israeli government, and Zionism (Leftovers #61):
  • Ethan describes certain Israeli parliament members as fringe-right and genocidal (Leftovers #61):
  • Ethan condemns Israeli government for denying food and water to Gaza (Leftovers #61):
  • Ethan accuses Israel of genocide against Gazans (Leftovers #61):
  • Ethan and Hasan Piker agree on the problem of Israeli officials’ genocidal rhetoric toward Gazans (Leftovers #61):
  • Ethan discusses Israel’s genocidal violence in Gaza and calls for empathy toward Israeli civilians (Leftovers #61):
  • Ethan reiterates his accusations of genocide by Israel and also condemns implicit sympathizers of Hamas (Leftovers #61):
  • Ethan Klein denounces Israeli authorities, including Netanyahu and his cabinet, as genocidal psychopaths, urges the removal of the blockade, decries the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza as horrific and detrimental to Israel’s stance, and emphasizes empathy for Palestinians while also aiming to convey the perspective of the average Israeli citizen, not as an endorsement but as a vital part of the broader dialogue (Ethan Klein Speaks to Hasan on Israel):
  • Ethan condemns Israel’s expansionism and Israeli settlers (SYNT #50 — Reupload, original stream is H3 Podcast members-only content):
  • Ethan says that Benjamin Netanyahu is a monster, is guilty of war crimes, is committing genocide against Palestinians, and that the people on his cabinet are “psychos” (SYNT #50 — Reupload):
  • In another episode of H3TV, Ethan again condemns the actions of Israel and its government, stating that they are committing cultural genocide against Palestinians, stealing land, and much of the terrorism in Israel is a result of Israel’s own actions. He also emphasizes that Palestinians should not be conflated with Hamas (H3TV #93):
  • Ethan states that the Israeli government is barbaric and genocidal and he hates them (H3TV #93):
  • In yet another separate case, Ethan argues that the people in power in Israel are committing terrorism and are genocidal, murderous war criminals (H3TV #93):

Condemnation of Israel’s Violence Against Palestinians
On various occasions, Klein has strongly denounced the treatment of Palestinians, labeling it as genocidal due to the reported widespread human rights violations they face, such as forced displacement, destruction of homes, and severe limitations on their movement and access to essential services. In raising his voice against these injustices, Klein champions the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people, aligning himself with the core values of international human rights.

(While there are additional instances of this found elsewhere, Klein’s view on the matter is also interspersed throughout links from the other sections.)

Understanding of Israel-Palestine Cultural Context
Klein has emphasized the importance of understanding the Israel-Palestine conflict from the cultural context of an Israeli person born and raised in Israel. This perspective acknowledges the deep-seated fears and anxieties that many Israelis have about their security and survival. It also recognizes that the conflict is not just a political matter, but a deeply personal one that affects the lives of millions of people on both sides.

  • Ethan Klein discusses both the Israeli and Palestinian perspectives and emphasizes empathy (Leftovers #61):
  • Ethan addresses the mindset of ordinary Israelis, clarifying that his goal is not to justify their views. He later discusses how some Israelis fear that pro-Palestinian advocates wish to see Jewish Israelis eradicated (Ethan Klein Speaks to Hasan on Israel):
  • In response to Hasan Piker’s question on what pro-Palestinian supporters could improve, Ethan Klein notes a tendency to dismiss the narratives of ordinary Israelis. He advocates for greater empathy and urges a distinction between Zionist ideologies and secular Jewish people who are both sympathetic to Palestinians and understanding of Israeli concerns (Ethan Klein Speaks to Hasan on Israel):
  • Klein discusses the challenges of persuading Israelis to consider a one-state solution as a viable option (Ethan Klein Speaks to Hasan on Israel):

Other key points from Ethan Klein Speaks to Hasan on Israel:

  • Piker agrees with Klein that the current Israeli government and population would likely reject a one-state solution with open borders, to Klein’s primary contention that many Israelis, even if unjustifiably, fear it could lead to a genocide against Jewish people.
  • Klein argues again, as he does much of the stream and in other videos, that there is a widespread belief among Israelis, especially Holocaust survivors, that open borders would result in massacres against Israelis due to generations of persecution.
  • Klein contends that Israelis view calls for a one-state solution as threatening based on this perception, making it practically infeasible.
  • Throughout, Piker and Klein both acknowledge Israeli fears, though question whether genocide would actually occur in a one-state scenario.
  • Piker notes that the Israeli government sometimes acts against public opinion, such as expanding settlements, at the urging of outside forces like the United States.
  • Overall, they conclude, public sentiment remains an obstacle to major policy shifts such as a one-state solution with open borders, given strong fears of violence against Israelis.

Key points from Ethan Klein in SYNT #50 (some noted above):

  1. Personal Stance: Klein clarifies his personal position repeatedly, noting that he has never spoken against the Palestinian people or defended the actions of the Israeli government.
  2. Criticism of Israeli Policies: He strongly denounces the Israeli government’s attacks on Palestine, its policies regarding Western expansionism, and the actions of settlers in the West Bank, describing them as a significant crime and “vile.”
  3. Condemnation of Settlements: Klein argues further that the Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegitimate and should be removed, indicating that the land expansion is a major problem.
  4. Legal Action Against Settlers: He believes that some settlers should face legal consequences for their violence and displays of hatred.
  5. Netanyahu’s Leadership: Klein expresses a highly negative opinion of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of committing genocide and being a “monster.” Klein supports the idea of war crimes trials for Israeli leaders like Netanyahu.
  6. Acknowledging Palestinian Struggle: He mentions that Hila has spoken at length about the struggles of the Palestinian people, indicating that they are both aware of and acknowledge the plight of Palestinians.
  7. Multiple Concerns: Klein asserts that it is possible to care about more than one problem at a time, suggesting that global tragedies and more personal or localized problems can both be of concern.
  8. Defense of Hila: He defends Hila against accusations that are based solely on her nationality and mandatory military service in the IDF, which he describes as “vanilla” or non-controversial.
  9. Association with Israel: Klein feels in part that he and Hila are being maligned mainly because of their association with Israel, regardless of their personal views or statements on the conflict. They feel that their words are being misconstrued and misrepresented.
  10. Against Generalization: He argues against the notion of painting all Israelis as occupiers or aggressors, emphasizing that such generalizations are unfair. (This coincides with his argument that Palestinians should not be conflated with Hamas in H3TV #93.)
  11. Criticism of Selective Empathy: Klein rebukes a perceived attitude among some critics that suggests caring about Jewish or Israeli struggles is less important than caring about Palestinian struggles, arguing against this exclusivity in empathy and concern.

Calls for Evidence-based Discussions
Misinformation in wartime, particularly with the advent of social media, can exacerbate division and create confusion. In the context of the Israel-Palestine conflict, misinformation has been rampant on social media platforms, often crowding out real reporting and making it difficult for people to discern the truth.¹⁰ During the recent escalation between Israel and Hamas, misleading content, misrepresented video footage, and mistranslations have been widely shared on social media.¹¹

When talking about such a contentious topic, it is crucial to promote evidence-based discussions to foster a more informed and nuanced understanding of the conflict. For example, during Leftovers #61, in a discussion (3:36:36) with Hasan Piker, Klein questioned Piker’s claim about sexual assault being used as a weapon of subjugation, asking for more evidence to support this assertion. This approach emphasizes the importance of verifying information and understanding the broader context before forming opinions or taking a stance on problems.

The Al-Ahli Hospital Explosion
The Al-Ahli Hospital explosion in Gaza, which occurred on October 17, 2023, and resulted in a disputed number of casualties — reported by the Palestinian Health Ministry as over 470 but estimated by US intelligence to be between 100 and 300¹²— remains shrouded in controversy. The latest from Human Rights Watch (HRW) suggests the explosion was likely caused by a rocket-propelled munition common to Palestinian armed groups, based on evidence from photos, videos, satellite imagery, and interviews.¹³

However, this report has faced criticism for being premature and potentially biased due to the lack of definitive evidence or access to the site, with some accusing it of echoing Israeli rhetoric. Hamas has attributed the incident to an Israeli airstrike, while Israel and the US government claim it was a misfired rocket from Palestinian militants, specifically the Islamic Jihad group.¹⁴ Al Jazeera’s investigation found no grounds for the Israeli army’s assertion that the strike on the hospital was caused by a failed rocket launch.¹⁵

In another discussion (H3TV #95, 12:30) on his podcast, Klein expressed uncertainty about who was responsible for the bombing, stating that everyone should wait for the news to develop. He also criticized those who were quick to assign blame without definitive evidence, suggesting and implying that an independent investigation was needed to determine the truth. Again, Klein’s comments indicate a commitment to evidence-based discussions and a reluctance to jump to conclusions without sufficient information.

Similarly to Klein, though this became a point of contention between them, Hasan Piker called for additional evidence related to the bombing of hospitals in Gaza. Although much has occurred since in the Israel-Palestine conflict, in a video titled Hasan Piker Exposes Piers Morgan’s Bias on Israel & Calls for Al-Ahli Hospital Strike Investigation, Piker highlighted the alarming number of hospitals bombed by Israel, stating that (at that time) 22 hospitals had been bombed since the recent occupation saga started.¹⁶

With the true cause of the Al-Ahli Hospital explosion still uncertain, calls from the United Nations and other bodies for a full, transparent investigation continue, urging authorities to release all evidence for a comprehensive inquiry into the tragic event.¹⁷ In the video referenced above, and like Klein, Piker called for an independent investigation to determine the truth about the Al-Ahli Hospital strike, as there is conflicting information.

On “From the River to the Sea”
Ethan and Hila Klein have faced criticism for arguing that the pro-Palestinian slogan “from the river to the sea” is seen by many Jewish people and Israelis as antisemitic or advocating for violence or even genocide against Jewish people and Israelis.

The slogan “from the river to the sea” refers to the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, which includes the state of Israel. The slogan’s meaning is highly contested and has been the catalyst for significant debate and discord among various groups.¹⁸

Pro-Palestinian activists often interpret the phrase as a rallying cry for freedom and human rights across what they consider the historic territory of Palestine. They see it as emblematic of aspirations for emancipation from subjugation and the establishment of a single, unified state from the river to the sea.¹⁹ On the opposite end of the spectrum, many in Israel, its supporters, and Jewish individuals who sympathize with the plight of Israeli citizens — regardless of their stance on Zionism — perceive the slogan as an existential threat, implying the eradication of the State of Israel.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) characterizes the phrase as antisemitic, positing that it negates the Jewish right to self-determination and envisages the inception of a Palestinian state spanning from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, effectively obliterating Israel and its inhabitants.²⁰ Its notoriety is further amplified due to its adoption by opponents of Israel, including factions like Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which have historically endorsed Israel’s dissolution by violent means.²¹ As such, “from the river to the sea” has become synonymous with aggression and denial of Israel’s legitimacy, eliciting apprehension and indignation among many Jewish people worldwide.²²

Given the radically different interpretations of “from the river to the sea,” Ethan Klein is not alone or unique in viewing it as contentious. While some see a call for freedom, many Israelis and Jewish people hear a call for Israel’s annihilation. Klein’s extensive criticism of Israeli violence and support for Palestinians suggests his wariness of this slogan does not equate to anti-Palestinian views. The phrase contains multiple layers of meaning connected to the Israel-Palestine conflict’s complex history.

Final Thoughts
In the emotionally charged discourse surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict, it behooves all parties, particularly those at a cultural and regional remove, such as many Americans, to approach the situation with a blend of reason and charity. The complex and deeply ingrained historical and cultural psychologies that influence the perspectives and actions of both Israelis and Palestinians are often not fully graspable by outsiders. The lived experiences of those who have grown up and resided within the shadow of this longstanding conflict are marked by nuances and emotions that can be difficult to comprehend without direct experience.

It is within this context that commentators like Ethan Klein call for a balanced approach; advocating for empathy and a condemnation of violence, particularly against the backdrop of accusations of genocide against Israel. Klein insists on a nuanced understanding that recognizes the human rights of all involved, without absolving any party of criticism where it is due. His stance is not to diminish the severity of Israel’s actions or the suffering of Palestinians but to foster a dialogue grounded in compassion and recognition of the complex human factors at play.

Misrepresenting such views only serves to polarize an already divided discourse. It does not aid in the battle against Zionism, nor does it provide aid to Palestinians. Instead, it is imperative to engage in conversations that acknowledge the depth of the conflict and the shared humanity of all those affected by it. Only through such a lens can we hope to contribute meaningfully to the discourse and support efforts toward a just and peaceful resolution. Klein’s approach, which calls for empathy while unequivocally condemning Israel’s violence and supporting the rights of Palestinians, exemplifies the kind of balanced engagement that can move the needle toward mutual understanding and, ultimately, peace.

References (Last Accessed December 15, 2023)

(*Excludes YouTube links given in the post.)

  1. 2023 Israel–Hamas war. (2023). In Wikipedia.
  2. Picheta, R., & McCarthy, S. (2023, December 1). What did Israel know about Hamas’ October 7 attack? CNN.
  3. Fact sheet: Israel and Palestine conflict (19 October 2023). (2023, October 19). ReliefWeb.
  4. Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza. (2023, October 20). Amnesty International.
  5. Hila Klein’s IDF service: Debunking baseless accusations. (2023). Eightify.
  6. Research Directorate, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Ottawa. (2009, March 11). Israel: Sanctions for and consequences of avoiding military service or refusing to bear arms or to follow orders from officers, including in battle zones; possibility for soldiers to sue officers for improper conduct or wrong-minded orders (ISR103097.E). Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.
  7. Four things you might not know about militarism in Israel. (2019, April 3). AFSC.
  8. Schneider, M., Werner, S., Yavnai, N., Ben Yehuda, A., & Shelef, L. (2023). Israeli soldiers’ intentions and actions toward seeking mental health help: Barriers and facilitators. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 79(2), 449–465.
  9. “Talking with Ethan Klein on Israel Palestine…..” YouTube, uploaded by HasanAbi, 11 November 2023.
  10. Ruberg, S. (2023, October 16). Israel-Hamas war misinformation on social media is harder to track. NBC News.
  11. Israel-Hamas war: Here are the facts as misinformation spreads. (2023, November 14). AP News.
  12. Human Rights Watch says rocket misfire likely cause of deadly Gaza hospital blast. (2023, November 26). Reuters.
  13. Gaza: Findings on October 17 Al-Ahli Hospital explosion. (2023, November 26). Human Rights Watch.
  14. After blast kills hundreds at Gaza hospital, Hamas and Israel trade blame as rage spreads in region. (2023, October 17). AP News.
  15. What have open-source videos revealed about the Gaza hospital explosion? (2023, October 20). Al Jazeera.
  16. Hasan Piker exposes Piers Morgan’s bias on Israel & calls for Al-Ahli Hospital strike investigation. (2023). Eightify.
  17. Third Committee condemns brutal bombing of Gaza hospital, enforced displacement of Palestinian civilians, emphasizes urgent need for unimpeded humanitarian aid. (2023, October 18). United Nations.
  18. Pietsch, B. (2023, November 14). From the river to the sea, free Palestine: What does it mean? The Washington Post.
  19. ‘From the river to the sea’: Why these 6 words spark fury and passion over the Israel-Hamas war. (2023, November 10). AP News.
  20. Allegation: From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. (2023, October 26). Anti-Defamation League.
  21. Hernandez, J. (2023, November 9). How interpretations of the phrase ‘from the river to the sea’ made it so divisive. NPR.
  22. “From the river to the sea.” (2023, Date). American Jewish Committee.

Addendum on “Liberal Zionism” (January 22, 2024)

In the first iteration of this article above, I implicitly argued that Ethan Klein does not fit the definition of a liberal Zionist, thinking that I had covered that caveat. However, it appears that some readers (or watchers) have interpreted my words as an explicit labeling of Klein as a liberal Zionist (as an inadvertent oversight on my part). This misunderstanding among these individuals necessitates a more explicit clarification.

Several unfounded claims have been made about Klein, including that he is a Zionist, supports the genocide of Palestinians, endorses the Israeli government and the IDF, and backs settlements and settler violence. The original intent of this post was to debunk these arguments, and I feel that each of these assertions has been refuted.

The term “Zionist” is often used in a broad sense, leading to misinterpretations and false accusations. In the case of Ethan Klein, where I have refuted that he supports genocide, endorses settler violence, or is a Zionist in the worst sense, opponents shift the goal posts and state that he is simply a “liberal Zionist” instead. But an examination of the definition of liberal Zionism, as provided by an article from Al-Shabaka and other sources, alongside an analysis of Klein’s public intent, statements, actions, and affiliations, clearly demonstrates that he does not fit this categorization.

Liberal Zionism, as a term, is inherently contradictory. Support for Israel’s violent apartheid and settler-colonial efforts is embedded in its ideology, each of which are inconsistent with the principles of peace and justice that Klein consistently advocates for. Consequently, it is utterly incorrect and misleading to label Klein as a liberal Zionist. The following discussion will further elaborate on why Ethan Klein cannot be defined as a liberal Zionist.

Definition of Liberal Zionism²³

  • Liberal Zionism, an ideology that emerged from labor Zionism, is a significant facet of the Zionist political movement. It is characterized by its alleged left-wing, socialist orientation and played a crucial role in the formation of the Zionist state.
  • It is imperative to understand that liberal Zionism is fundamentally settler-colonial. It is directly responsible for the 1948 Nakba, a term used by Palestinians to describe the mass displacement that occurred during the 1948 Palestine war. This ideology, while supposedly rooted in the principles of liberalism, has been used to justify, legitimize, and naturalize the violent Zionist settler-colonial project in colonized Palestine and beyond.
  • Liberal Zionism creates a dichotomy between the civilization of the West and the actions of the West. This separation serves to legitimize the settler-colonial project, framing it as a rational and necessary endeavor. Despite its liberal underpinnings, the ideology has been used to advance the settler-colonial conquest of Palestine, often under the guise of rationality and progress.
  • In essence, liberal Zionism is a complex ideology that alleges to intertwine the principles of liberalism with the realities of settler-colonialism. While it has played a significant role in the formation of the Zionist state, it has also been a driving force behind the displacement and colonization of Palestine. These factors cannot, must not, be ignored when one means to assign the label to others.

What Liberal Zionism Supports, Extended

  • Liberal Zionism provides a justification for, and enables the continued expansion of, Israel’s occupation of historic Palestine through appeals to rational principles of progress, equality, and democracy.²³
  • It is located in a multicultural liberal politics that frames the founding ideals of settler societies in an ultimately positive light, focusing on their potential for advancement while overlooking the injustice of displacement and colonial subjugation upon which they were built.²³
  • It obscures the Western imperial origins and underlying structures of power, sidelining alternative visions that challenge this status quo.²³
  • Liberal Zionism alleges to celebrate Judaism’s qualities like fervent debate and resistance to authoritarian rule.²⁴
  • It claims to advocate for free markets, democratic governance, and human rights.²⁴
  • Liberal Zionists believe that Israel has a moral right to exist as a Jewish state, implementing the Jews’ right to national self-determination.²⁵
  • They reject the original, Romantic, foundations of Zionism, justifying the tenets of Zionism using supposed liberal frameworks.²⁵
  • Liberal Zionists can acknowledge that both Israelis and Palestinians have suffered and hold the belief that Israel can and must do what is necessary to defend itself while also advocating for a diplomatic solution.²⁶ (This cannot be separated from the colonialism that liberal Zionism endorses, which is inherently violent.)
  • They insist that there is no necessary contradiction between Israel’s dual identity as a Jewish and democratic state, meaning that Israel can be a national home and refuge for the Jewish people while also embodying universal democratic principles.²⁷
  • Liberal Zionists propose the creation of a Palestinian state for the sake of Palestinians, who deserve to live in freedom and dignity, but also for Israelis, who would not be able to maintain both democracy and the Occupation simultaneously.²⁷

Ethan Klein’s Stance on Key Topics (Repeated)

  • Ethan Klein has publicly shown sympathy for Palestinians and criticized Israel’s actions in the Israel-Palestine conflict. As shown at length here, during streams with Hasan Piker and on other occasions, Klein has expressed his concern for Palestinians and criticized Israel and the IDF for their actions. This empathetic view contradicts the notion of Ethan as a supporter of liberal Zionism, which fundamentally endorses settler-colonial conquest. Furthermore, Klein has actively supported the Palestinian cause by donating to the Palestinian Relief Fund, which demonstrates his commitment to Palestinian rights.
  • One of the distinguishing features of liberal Zionism, as defined by the Al-Shabaka article and other articles, is support for the Israeli government and its policies. But as we have repeated here, Klein has been vocal in his criticism of the Israeli government and its policies. This includes questioning the actions of the Israeli government and expressing concerns about the impact of its policies on Palestinians.
  • Liberal Zionism, as characterized in the Al-Shabaka article and other sources, supports the violent Zionist settler-colonial project in Palestine. Ethan Klein has never publicly endorsed such a project. Indeed, he has consistently expressed opposition to Israel’s violence, war crimes, the blockade of the Gaza Strip, and Israeli occupation and settlements. These views align more closely with those seeking a peaceful resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, outside of liberal Zionism.
  • While Klein acknowledges the reality of millions of Israeli Jewish people living in Israel, this recognition does not automatically categorize him as a Zionist, liberal or otherwise. It is possible to acknowledge the existence of a group of people and what that entails for the reality of another, and related land ownership, without endorsing a specific political ideology. This point was also conceded by Hasan Piker.
  • Klein has expressed doubts regarding the feasibility of a one-state solution due to Israeli fears and prejudices, or public sentiment. This perspective aligns with the realistic concerns mentioned by others, including Hasan Piker. It is crucial to differentiate between discussing practical realities and advocating for a specific ideological position as an active proponent of said outcome.

Honesty, Intent, Actions

The role of intent in comprehending one’s position is undeniably significant. In the case of Ethan Klein and his involvement in the Israel-Palestine conflict, it is crucial to consider his intent and consistent advocacy for peace, justice, and a diplomatic solution. Disregarding this intent would overlook an essential aspect of the nuanced nature of the debate. Therefore, labeling him as a Zionist, liberal or otherwise, without taking his intent into account would undermine, if not ignore, the complexity of the discussion at hand.

That Klein believes war may be inevitable, which is apparent in ongoing reality, does not make him a Zionist any more than saying Nazis want to kill Jewish people makes one a Nazi. Being a Zionist or a Nazi entails subscribing to specific ideologies and actively promoting corresponding political agendas with want and intent. In general, believing in the inevitability of a war or violence between factions does not automatically align someone with a particular political ideology.

Not only does Klein’s intent not align with Zionism, liberal or otherwise, but his beliefs, actions, and affiliations do not align with Zionism, liberal or otherwise. Avoiding reductive comparisons and false equivalencies enables a more accurate appraisal that does justice to reality. Such an approach acknowledges how perspectives on many topics are often multifaceted, with intent informed by wider contextual influences. Considering such interplay leads to balanced, evidence-driven analyses of stances and how they function in debate. More comprehensive evaluations consider both stated aims and pragmatic influence, refusing to overlook intricacies or reduce diversity of thought to misleading shorthands. Pursuing understanding through this refined lens can yield insights that encourage open discussion on all sides.

Misinterpretations of Zionism

  • As noted, one of the most insidious aspects of labeling Klein a “liberal Zionist” is the misuse of the term “Zionism” as a blanket phrase, leading to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Zionism, in its broadest sense, refers to the movement for the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland. Yet, there are various subdivisions within Zionism, each with its own distinct ideologies and goals.²⁸ Accusing someone of being a Zionist without specifying the subdivision can lead to false implications, such as supporting genocide, war crimes, and settler violence. This is not the case with Klein, who has publicly expressed his opposition to these actions (as shown throughout this post).
  • The claim that Klein is a Zionist based solely on his views on the one- or two-state solution is misleading. Many people, including Hasan Piker, acknowledge the practical reality of these solutions without necessarily endorsing the ideologies associated with Zionism. Piker himself has questioned the feasibility of a one-state solution in Israel, as discussed in my summary of Ethan Klein Speaks to Hasan on Israel. Both Klein and Piker argue that public sentiment is a significant obstacle to a one-state solution. Klein believes that achieving it would require war, while Piker is not as certain. Neither of these perspectives makes one a liberal Zionist. Viewing something as inevitable is not the same as endorsing it.
  • Liberal Zionism, as defined by the Al-Shabaka article and other sources, is a political ideology that supports the settler-colonial conquest of Palestine in the alleged name of progress, equality, and democracy. Piker’s public statements and actions do not align with this definition. He has been critical of the Israeli government and its policies, showing sympathy for Palestinians. He has also expressed his views on the need for peace negotiations and the dismantling of the Israeli government. These stances are not consistent with the ideology of liberal Zionism.
  • Thus, while Piker acknowledges the practical realities of the Israel-Palestine conflict and questions the feasibility of a one-state solution, this does not make him a liberal Zionist. His views and actions demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the conflict that goes beyond the ideological boundaries of Zionism.
  • The same logic should also be applied to Ethan Klein. Klein’s views on the conflict and its solutions are not drastically different from those of Hasan Piker, although he may be more cynical. Whether he is too cynical is up for debate. Regardless, it should not be concluded that he is a liberal Zionist on this basis.
  • It is crucial to emphasize the most important point: disregarding the connection between liberal Zionism and Israel’s violence and settler-colonial project for the purpose of labeling Ethan Klein a liberal Zionist, when he fully rejects both, is to adhere to the deceptive definition of liberal Zionism put forth by liberal Zionists themselves. This definition serves to obscure the reality of colonialist violence.

Overall, while Ethan Klein has discussed the Israel-Palestine conflict and has personal ties to Israel, his publicly expressed intent, statements, and actions do not align with the definition of liberal Zionism as defined by the Al-Shabaka article and the other sources I have provided here, which I believe represent the matter critically and with thorough nuance. It is incorrect and misleading to label him as a liberal Zionist.

References (Last Accessed January 22, 2024)

23. Ayyash, M. (2023, January 14). Liberal Zionism: A pillar of Israel’s settler colonial project. Al-Shabaka.

24.Types of Zionism. (20240). In Wikipedia.

25. Marmor, A. (2003). Entitlement to land and the right of return: An embarrassing challenge for liberal Zionism. Available at SSRN 424622.

26. Hirschhorn, S. (2023, October 9). How to be a liberal Zionist when Israel is at war. Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

27. Beauchamp, Z. (2023, December 12). Return of liberal Zionism Israel. Vox.

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