The wonderful perks of living with a dog

Its meaning to me and others

Jeffrey Gochman
3 min readApr 15, 2014


When I walk through the door of my apartment Bolt regards my entrance with such intense excitement you would think I had been away for days, even months, when realistically it was just for a quick froyo trip. His love for me radiates at a steady level keeping me grounded, allowing me to realize that the small things matter. That walking outside on a beautiful day shouldn’t be easily overlooked, but enjoyed as a small happy moment in time. Because for him, he sees it as a new walk, a new experience, and I want to see life that way.

Bolt keeps me active. He keeps me healthy, alive. His need for exploration attaches to me, connecting our inspiration to find something new to smell or to chase. Something that keeps us both young and energetic. His city life balance has forced us both to push our endurance. To fall into our shared love of running. Because with my sidekick, a run around the city is not dreaded, but time I get to let my guard down and relax while he takes the leash in the direction.


What I love most about Rem is the concrete connection we’ve developed. I can look at him and feel his fear or excitement. He will lay touching me if it means moving every minute to follow me if he feels my sadness. The connection we share is steady, continuous, untarnished by typical human weakness. I will remember this bond through the rest of my life.


Underlying love and compassion. My dog never lets me down, always puts a smile on my face. He is my best friend and he gets my ass up and out of the house.


I think my favorite thing would be getting to hug or play catch with him. It’s automatically distressing. I think its because they’re super cute and furry. You can’t be mad at something like that.


I really love when it’s thundering and sully checks on my whole family to make sure we are all okay until the storm is over.


My favorite things about having a dog are going to sleep and waking up with a dog next to me. I don’t care if I have to give up 90% of my bed up I just like seeing my dog happy next to me. Just making a dog happy is awesome.


Coming home to someone that loves you unconditionally, no matter what, no mater how much time has passed. I kind of feel like a dog is like the family stone, someone the whole family loves and cherishes, keeps the family together And it gives kids for their first time a sense of responsibility, having to care for something other than yourself.


I’d have to say my favorite things to do with my dog are to chase him around the house and play fetch. Penny is a tiny dog so he can maneuver under tables and beds which makes it difficult to catch him. He has dozens of toys so sometimes I have to grab one and use it as bait just to get him out. Penny is a smart dog so he can’t often be beaten, but when I get a hold of him… He gives up and becomes a real cutie.

I also love taking Penny to the beach and bringing him in the pool. He looks like a skinny chicken when he’s wet.


I love how excited they get when you come home. Even if its been months they still remember you.

