Top Three Deadly Food Choices That Are Responsible for 70% Of New Type Two Diabetes Cases

The reason for 14 million cases that span over 184 countries.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


A woman eating chips.
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk:

Food is medicine. It can not only prevent but cure diseases as well. A healthy diet is the best longevity hack add exercise to the mix and it’s unbeatable.

And a poor diet is the biggest reason for every lifestyle disease. It will poison your health slowly but surely.

Recent research has found that 70% of new type two diabetes cases are caused by these three poor dietary choices.

1. You eat these two things every day.

You have these high-risk diabetes ingredients in your diet even when you are on a healthy diet.

You eat these grains daily, believing that they are “healthy” but in reality, they are the main culprit behind the rising rates of diabetes.

Refined rice and wheat break down into sugar rapidly, which leads to a sugar spike in the blood.

Rice and wheat are the most consumed grains in the world. You can’t escape them, but you can make them healthier.

Switch white rice with brown rice and only use whole wheat flour. These alternatives are equally delicious when…



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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