Is Artchain Right for You?

Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2019

Artchain is one of the market’s leading innovative solutions. Artchain’s powerful technology works to democratize the art market through asset tokenization.

Additionally, Artchain’s powerful AI technology allows artists and galleries to install a digital ArtDNA fingerprint into work. This offers unparalleled ability to track and prove ownership, as well as verify the validity of a piece of art.

It’s not difficult to see how these powerful benefits have made Artchain a popular choice for dealers and investors across the globe. But if you’re still wondering if Artchain is right for you, we’ve got you covered.

Below, we’ll take a look at who can benefit the most from Artchain’s innovative solutions — and why.

Who Benefits from Using Artchain?

Perhaps a better question would be: who doesn’t benefit?

Investors and dealers of all kinds have come to appreciate the added security Artchain adds to the market.

And it’s not hard to see why. Artchain’s powerful technology targets individuals in the following groups:

· Art Investors

Artchain’s asset tokenization makes it perfect for investors everywhere. Through this process, Artchain opens the market to a greater number of investors who can now buy shares in timeless pieces of art.

This makes a once-exclusive market open to more moderate retail investors who cannot afford to buy these luxury pieces flat-out.

This also allows for the unprecedented crowdfunding of different pieces of art.

· Galleries and Museums

Galleries and museums can ensure the quality and the authenticity of their art through Artchain’s ArtDNA feature.

Additionally, galleries and museums can access a digital ledger of ownership, as well as make a record of the current condition of the art. If anything were to happen — even the slightest of nicks or scratches — dealers and curators would be able to instantly document the incident.

· Legal Officers

Artchain’s unique ArtDNA feature means that it’s now easier than ever before to verify the authenticity of a work of art.

This benefits legal officers in a variety of ways. Because the ownership of a work of art can be established and tracked with ease, Artchain reduces the burden on legal officers.

Additionally, as these companies can now provide their services through Artchain, they’ll gain access to a larger pool of customers.

· Insurance Companies

This also proves advantageous for insurance companies who can use these digital records to confidently insure different works of art. By operating their businesses within the Artchain ecosystem, these companies can earn greater recognition in the market.

· Appraisers

Artchain’s ArtDNA feature also makes the jobs of appraisers easier than ever before. Because Artchain’s powerful technology can verify the authenticity and the condition of artwork, appraisers can make more accurate calculations.

But that’s not all. Appraisers are also able to provide their services through the Artchain platform — making it easier than ever to connect with interested clients.

· Artists and Collectors

Finally, Artchain boasts a number of benefits for both artists and collectors.

For artists, Artchain helps secure and protect the ownership of their artwork. By embedding a work of art with a unique ArtDNA fingerprint, artists can be sure that their work is better protected.

Additionally, collectors will be able to ensure that they’re only getting the real deal. This proves important for collectors of all levels, but even more so for high-ticket collectors investing in timeless pieces.

As you can see, Artchain features several powerful benefits for every type of individual involved in the art market.

