Interesting Logistics Tech and VC News from the Week

Robots become our buddies, lots of logistics tech funding happened, and more…

Katlyn Whittenburg
Dynamo Tradewinds
5 min readApr 2, 2017


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3…2…1… Lyft off

Lyft is testing a new ridesharing model called Shuttle. It works kind of like a bus route, where there is a set route with specific pickup and drop-off points and a fixed rate.

Actually… that sounds exactly like a bus. Why don’t you just take the bus?

This feature is currently being tested in San Francisco and Chicago — where they also have buses.

Starship Technologies- the maker of those nifty 6-wheeled delivery robots- has partnered with Domino’s to deliver delicious ‘za to the masses within the next two months.

Well to the masses of people who live within a mile of a few select Domino’s in Hamburg, Germany.

The point is, drone deliveries are happening. Slowly, but surely. Also important to note, a human will have to accompany the little pizza bot to monitor in case something goes wrong.

So for now, it’s basically just a little pizza buddy for a few lucky delivery guys and gals. I would name mine Sammy.

This week, a company out of Waltham made their “collaborative fulfillment system” available for purchase. 6 River Systems, Inc has created autonomous pick carts that travel alongside human warehouse workers to help guide them.

This will make the humans more efficient and allow them to keep their jobs for at least a little longer.

And we mustn’t forget the inevitable Amazon portion of the update…

This past week, Amazon announced AmazonFresh Pickup will be available at two locations in Seattle. The new grocery pickup service allows Prime users to order online and pick up their groceries in as little as 15 minutes. Currently this is being made available exclusively to Amazon employees.

This comes after Walmart has been rolling out its grocery pickup service across the land, which I have personally used here in Chattanooga several times because it’s cheaper than delivery but faster than doing the shopping on my own. With Amazon entering the game, though, who will be able to best balance convenience and price?

We also have Amazon delaying the public debut of its Amazon Go grocery store after running into some glitches. Once more than 20 people are shopping at the same time or an item is moved away from its original placement, the tech throws a big error and humans have to step in. Bad news for Amazon, but more good news for people who have jobs at stores.

Also in Amazon news, Amazon has acquired the Amazon of the Middle East- solidifying Amazon’s move to the Middle East. Amazon.

Lots of logistics tech investments this week…

Really? JoyRun raised $8.5 million. This is yet another food delivery app- which is insane. But JoyRun stands out for its unique business model. If you want food, you go to the app and if another user is already heading to that restaurant, he/she can pick up your order and deliver it for a fee. This app is a 2-way street, though. When you sign up, you are agreeing to deliver, as well.

Another interesting feature: you can opt to do a delivery for free for certain users.

Which, to me, creates an environment ripe for awkwardness. “Do I charge this person with whom I’m vaguely acquainted a fee?” “Do I tip this person that I know even though they delivered my coffee luke-warm? What is our friendship worth?” Also, “Why is my friend getting all his lunches delivered for free? Is he hotter than me? Am I ugly? Oh god. I hate my life.”

Apparently the app piloted well on college campuses, which is where it’s targeting its efforts at the moment. Will this model work? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Notable Logistics Tech Investments from the Week:

Other suggestion reading:

See you next week!

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