BLOCKCHAIN summit: Transparency redefined

STED Alliance
3 min readSep 6, 2018


Shanghai, China — On August 24 -25 the Blockchain Technology Summit was well on its way. The two day event was packed with wealth of information from the most knowledgeable group of people when it comes to blockchain tech. All 30+ invited speakers were relevant, qualified and interesting. The list included Alan , Apollon CEP and CEO of N22 Technology Co., Ltd. talked about “Blockchain and edge calculation: the next big wave “ ,that the application model of edge computing + borderless communication will also become the norm. “Edge computing + blockchain” will be the next wave of Internet revolution. Also present was Jimmy Chan , CEO of TuYYo and N22 Vice President, business including Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 talked about “ next generation secure “ instant messaging”. The “decentralized” blockchain , provides security for the communication from the business level; and provides a guarantee for the multi-level and cross-application private communication from the social level of the community. And our very own Eric Choy ( shown in the images below), CEO of a well-known technology manager in Hong Kong, general manager of Century Innovative Technology, responsible for business management at marketing company Digital Agility Ltd, and founded Alpha, a global marketing consulting firm. He was enthusiastic about combining the Internet of Things, blockchain and emerging technologies with He talked about — “ unleashing the power 10 billion things “, such a fitting statement with regards to blockchain tech. The market is huge and the application is a long list. Learning to adapt blockchain tech could mean a whole new level of transparency, information management and security. ”STED” stands for “secured and trusted exchange of data”. In essence STED creates a real-time market place for information, data and services with micropayment capability. STED has been delivering smart-city service- delivery platforms for over 10 years, with SUPACT (secure and unified protocol for assets) SDKS already utilized by IoT vendors in China, Australia and the Middle East. STED is efficient, economical and everywhere.

According to Energy Web , 2017,an estimated 127 new devices connect to the internet EVERY second. With that said its clear as day that In today’s world transparency and information is easily lost with everything that’s going on. Whether in the real world or the digital world it’s getting harder and harder to keep track of everything. Information can be sent to the wrong address, deleted accidentally or simply left unopened somewhere. With the blockchain tech it will be greatly reduced. We can’t stop the worlds need for faster and more efficient ways of keeping track of information. Instead we can embrace it and let it make our lives better and simpler.

The speakers present during the summit, all had something to contribute to the summit and blockchain tech discussion. But everyone had one thing in mind, push blockchain tech mainstream and let the world enjoy its benefits. With its applications in business, social media, banking, finance and healthcare it can take the digital world to a whole new level.



STED Alliance

Secure & Trusted Exchange of Data is a project dedicated to use SUPA channelling technologies blended with BlockChain technology for IOT.