UTRUST brought crypto payments into the real world at Pixels Camp

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5 min readMar 29, 2019

1500 attendants, 821 new accounts, 945 purchases and 1080 P2P transactions.

In our toughest challenge yet, UTRUST proved itself as a fully operational payment ecosystem at Pixels Camp.

UTRUST was joined by companies with the likes of Microsoft, Siemens and Cisco in this 3-day, developer-driven event for disruptive tech businesses and we took centre stage by putting our global digital payments solution to the ultimate test.

Wallet, Payment Widget and Merchant Dashboard all performed at a very high level as they were made available for everyone to experience the future of digital payments.

UTRUST Ecosystem numbers at Pixels Camp

UTRUST was a proud sponsor of Pixels Camp and we were invited to present our vision and value proposition. Our VP of Global Partnerships, Sanja Kon, took the stage to explain the impact of blockchain and cryptocurrencies in the changing landscape of e-commerce. Also, she told the story of how UTRUST went from product to a full-blown ecosystem to provide the answer to new commerce demands.

Our booth was one of the most engaging and dynamic in the whole event, as we created an interactive space for people to mingle with our team, enjoy fun challenges and play games. They could also have a coffee break and learn all about UTRUST. We turned our booth into a pop-up UTRUST store and gave free UTK with all new customer accounts so that attendees could easily use our platform to buy UTRUST merchandise and food, play the Arcade Machine and Darts, or even rival our chess master Miguel Palhas.

In order to create an active economy within the event and incentivize more transactions with our native token, all people winning challenges at our booth would automatically get more free UTK to continue shopping with UTRUST. We were all about encouraging people to spend them and try our payments, and so we created the “Top UTK Spenders Awards” (drum rolls!) and awarded our top 10 winners with cool value prizes to spend on electronic products. Kudos to them! We also ran a fun merchants leaderboard that we’ll tell you all about on our upcoming Product Cycle Update, so stay tuned!

UTRUST Booth. Check out all the photos of the event on Facebook.

We’ll let some more facts and figures speak for themselves:


The first day was the busiest, with participants showing great interest in trying our payment solutions and buying the Pixels Camp Official Kit with their new UTRUST account right off the bat. Even though our booth was very crowded at most times, we were still able to create 261 new accounts in the most active registration hour. People understood how easy it was to set up a UTRUST account and word-to-mouth kept them coming.


Overall, we had 579 wallet installs — 140 for iOS and 439 for Android.

On Android alone, we accounted for 3885 sessions — 99.79% of all sessions were crash-free and provided a foolproof user experience to all participants. On average, users spent 4 minutes in the app. Installing the UTRUST wallet on their phones was as simple as scanning a QR code.


In the top shopping hour, we registered 159 Payments (that’s around one payment every 22 seconds). 67,5% of all initiated orders turned into completed payments. We incentivized users to log disputes so they could try our resolution system — 55,6% of disputes opened ended up resolved, with the remaining cancelled. It was important for us to create all possible payment scenarios in order to test every single feature of our products.


The Hackathon held during the event was fierce. A couple of teams created online stores that integrated with the UTRUST widget to give their customers our digital payment solution. Anyone at Pixels Camp with the UTRUST Wallet could buy from those stores with their free UTK. We were really happy to see one of those teams coming out on top 5 of the Hackathon competition.

And what were the main takeaways from this event based on users’ feedback?

  • UTRUST products were stress tested and their performance exceeded expectations. That really speaks for the development level of our ecosystem at this point.
  • Our newest wallet feature, the peer-to-peer payments, was tested for the very first time and praised by users. They loved the smooth P2P feature, which allowed them to share crypto with one another as easily as spending it with merchants.
  • The fast and instant payment processing impressed both merchants and customers. Buying with crypto was the quick and easy experience UTRUST promised delivering.
  • It was a great opportunity for new crypto users to develop knowledge and clarity on the technology behind crypto payments, and how accessible they’re being made by UTRUST.
The Wallet, Payment Widget and Merchant Dashboard were made available for everyone to experience the UTRUST Ecosystem to its full capacity


Pixels Camp was a fantastic primer for our next step: going live.

As we have already mentioned, we’ve decided to take some additional time before our launch in order to ensure full regulatory compliance across the UTRUST ecosystem.

Events such as this one give us great exposure and provide us with the opportunity to learn valuable lessons on how our products cope in real life scenarios.

Overall, Pixels Camp was an engaging event that served as a final testing ground for our product and we are proud to say that it passed with flying colours.




The easiest way to pay with & accept digital currencies. The money of tomorrow is here. Experience digital payments with Utrust: utrust.com