I ran the same prompts in Midjourney and Jasper Art for 24 image genres (Aug 2023)

Alex Tully
25 min readAug 23, 2023


Now I can get behind Alberto Romero’s philosophy that you should only use two generative AI tools, with one caveat: This only applies at a single point in time. I have my favourites (GPT-4 and Midjourney) but I can easily see others leapfrogging them given how fast the AI world is moving, so I need to stay on my toes to avoid getting left behind.

So with the recent buzz about Jasper Art, I decided to sign up for a 7-day free trial. I could have tested the $99 version for free, but I decided to do the $49 version because I can’t see myself forking out $99 a month for AI.

To compare the two, I pasted Midjourney prompts into Jasper and put the results from the two bots side by side. In doing this, I needed to be careful to avoid a source of bias in favour of Midjourney: I’ve had time to get good at designing prompts for Midjourney, meaning that some of those might be in a way that improves the output in Midjourney but not in Jasper Art. So to make this a fair contest for Jasper, I only used prompts from one of the three categories below:

  1. Midjourney prompts from back when I was a beginner at using it
  2. Midjourney prompts I whipped up on the spot for work (since I live in Japan, the subjects of those tend to be Japanese)
  3. Midjourney prompts in a genre that I lacked experience in

Anyway, in total I compared the results of 24 prompts. Here they are:

1 ) Landscape Photography

Midjourney prompt: expansive aerial photograph, focusing on an awe-inspiring glacial horn like the Matterhorn, whose steep ridges function as leading lines, cliffs with water cascading down into a cloud inversion that creates a dreamy feel, completely covered with lush subtropical jungle, foliage silhouetted against the fog, shot with Sony A7R II, 14mm lens, high HDR to enhance colour contrast and create a sense of intrigue, twilight, hot and humid air — style raw — no snow

Made in Midjourney

Out of the 4, only the bottom left had a cascade of water.

Made in Midjourney

And the first disappointment was that Jasper Art has a limit of 400 characters for the prompt.

So I deleted “create a sense of intrigue” and “hot and humid” to get it under the character limit. Also, Jasper has drop-down menus with some image options, which I’m assumed the AI is optimised for. I selected “photograph” and “8k resolution” from these menus and ran the prompt. The results were these four:

Made in Jasper Art

Only one of the 4 even had a clear cascade of water, though to be fair Midjourney was exactly the same. Anyway, I thought the nicest image was this one even though it lacked a waterfall.

I noticed that Jasper was suggesting to “enhance” my prompt.

Clicking that returned (verbatim):

Screenshot of Jasper Art

It looked like the AI was glitching! It neglected to fully spell the word “cascade” even though it was well under the character limit. It also neglected to include anything about “high HDR to enhance colour contrast”, but maybe those keywords don’t work with Jasper Art. So I corrected the spelling of “cascade” but then ran Jasper AI’s amended prompt without saying anything about colour contrast or HDR. The result was:

Made in Jasper Art

All 4 had really nice fog inversions now, but not one had cascading water even though the prompt had said to “emphasise” it. I liked the third one because of how it silhouetted the trees.

Made in Jasper Art

Jasper did OK, but Midjourney’s image is closer to what I wanted, without a doubt.

2 ) Fantasy Architecture Photographs

Another image I like from my early days in Midjourney was from the prompt: aerial photograph of an Anasazi-style cliff dwelling, called a cavate, which is carved into a towering sea cliff face in a fjord landscape, lush subtropical jungle, there are roof gardens, golden hour, the weather is intensely hot and humid, 8k

Made in Midjourney

How about in Jasper? Pasting in the same prompt and selecting “photograph” and “8k” in the drop down menus yielded:

Made in Jasper Art

Only the top left is even carved into the cliff.

Made in Jasper Art

I tried “enhancing” the prompt, and again the final sentence of the prompt was incomplete.

Screenshot of Jasper Art

Editing it for grammaticality and submitting it (keeping the previously mentioned drop-down menu options, which is what I do throughout), I got:

Made in Jasper Art

I don’t like any of these. The top left one isn’t carved into the cliff, the bottom right one is a photo of a photo, and the other two look too modern to be Anasazi cliff dwellings.

3 ) Paintings of Abstract Patterns

How did they stack up when it came to making paintings? Midjourney had created some lovely pieces with the prompt: fresco painting, arabesque, mandalas, ferns, fractals, Dharmachakra, 8k — style raw

Made in Midjourney

Now Jasper lets you select some preset painting styles from a drop-down menu, but “fresco painting” isn’t one of them. “Watercolour” seemed like the closest one, so I went with that:

Screenshot of Jasper Art

So my final prompt was: arabesque, mandalas, ferns, fractals, Dharmachakra, with “8k”, “watercolor” and “abstract” from the drop-down menus.

Made in Jasper Art

Not too bad! I particularly liked the top right one.

Made in Jasper Art

I tried to enhance the prompt again, and yet again it cut off the end of the prompt:

Screenshot of Jasper Art

I couldn’t decide which one I liked more, so I’ll put them all here:

Made in Jasper Art

You could argue either way about which bot did better on this job. Jasper’s look more psychedelic.

4 ) Samurai Illustrations

Jasper seemed to do better at paintings, and I wanted to try playing to its strengths. And I hadn’t tried making any pictures of humans yet. So I tried seeing what it would do with this Midjourney prompt: Anime-style painting that depicts Kenta Mizue, dressed as a samurai in full battle armour, on a theatre stage, performing a scene from the Touken Ranbu musical, set against the backdrop of the Sengoku Period. Use a traditional ukiyo-e color scheme and emulate the style of Hayao Miyazaki to capture the historical setting (prompt generated in GPT-4)

Made in Midjourney

In Jasper, I used the same prompt, and selected the following from the drop-down menus:

  • Medium: Ink (because ukiyo-e was often done by woodblock printing)
  • Style: Anime
  • Keyword: Flat Lighting (because it’s common in ukiyo-e)

Jasper was more minimalist:

Made in Jasper Art

The figure didn’t look like Kenta Mizue, but then again Midjourney had failed in the same way.

Clicking “enhance” got me: Create an ink anime-style painting of Kenta Mizue, the samurai, as he performs a scene in Touken Ranbu musical on a theater stage. The setting takes place during the Sengoku period, typified by traditional ukiyo-e color schemes. Using Hayao Miyazaki’s style and emulating flat lighting, capture the

Kenta Mizue is an actor rather than a samurai, so I deleted his name, and also amended the last sentence for grammaticality. That yielded:

Made in Jasper Art

Jasper’s minimalism might appeal to some, but personally I prefer Midjourney’s take.

5 ) Psychedelic Surrealist Portraits

So far psychedelic art was the only category where Jasper had clearly outperformed Midjourney. So I decided to try again here. Midjourney had done an OK job with the prompt: young Steve Jobs, Apple-themed environment, abstract, colourful, shapes and objects floating around, hallucination, LSD, digital art, surrealistic anime, psychedelic — s 750 — niji 5

Made in Midjourney

In Jasper I cut out the double hyphen portions of the prompt, then selected “Surrealism” and “Masterpiece” from the drop down menus.

Made in Jasper Art

The top right one looks great, but you have to look closely to see any hint of “apple”. The only one that had apples was the top left one, and here the image of Steve Jobs looked like a photo that had been photobashed in. I decided to enhance the prompt, and got: Create a photorealistic portrait of a young Steve Jobs set against an Apple-themed environment. Render the scene in the surrealist style, using bright, colorful shades to create an abstract and psychedelic atmosphere. Incorporate shapes and objects floating around in a hallucinatory fashion, evoking the effects of LSD. Craft the work in a digital medium, utilizing

Like before I cut out the last word, ended the sentence with a period, and ran the prompt.

Made in Jasper Art

I liked the top two images here, as well as the top right one from the unenhanced images. I’d say Jasper has at least matched Midjourney here, and like the other time when this happened, it was with psychedelic art. I wonder if I’m onto a pattern …

6 ) Psychedelic Moonscapes

Midjourney prompt: lunar surface, dark, psychedelic art

Made in Midjourney

After pasting it in to Jasper, I selected “Digital” and “Masterpiece” from the drop down menus.

Made in Jasper Art

All of these felt boring to me, except the bottom left. Enhancing the prompt yielded: Create a mesmerizing digital masterpiece of a dark and psychedelic lunar surface. Utilize vivid colors and trippy patterns to portray this extraterrestrial realm in a way that’s never been seen before. Your art should be photorealistic with a surreal twist. Use digital techniques to bring out the otherworldly beauty of the scene. Let your artistic vision

I deleted the final sentence fragment and ran the prompt:

Made in Jasper Art

Except for the orbital photo which I absolutely loved, I felt like Jasper Art did a poor job of distributing the “psychedelicness” across all parts of the images, both with and without prompt enhancement.

7 ) Landscape Paintings

Midjourney prompt: detailed fresco painting of a view from up top of a sea cliff, a dramatic supercell thunderstorm is looming over the ocean with lightning and a rain-wrapped tornado, hail clouds, dense subtropical rainforest, rough ocean with heavy swell and white caps, twilight, steaming heat, high humidity, fog, 8k, brown ochre shades, charcoal black shades, smokey grey shades, chalky white shades, sienna, sage green, mauve, bold outlines, chiaroscuro, 8k — no snow, humans, roads, buildings

Made in Midjourney

The same prompt went over Jasper Art’s character limit even when I deleted “ — no snow, humans, roads, buildings”. So I cut “8k” in the text prompt and selected it from a drop-down menu again, and also replaced the text “dramatic” with “exciting” from a drop-down menu. Then I deleted “steaming heat, high humidity” from the text, selected “watercolor” from a drop-down menu, and ran the prompt:

Made in Jasper Art

I’d selected 8k from the drop-down menu, but wasn’t impressed with the level of detail. So I changed “8k” to “Highly Detailed” and ran the prompt again:

Made in Jasper Art

I was still getting flat oceans and barely any jungle. I decided to enhance the prompt, and got Create a watercolor masterpiece that captures the vivid scene of a sea cliff during a supercell thunderstorm. The painting should feature lightning, swirls of rain-wrapped tornadoes, and hail clouds looming over the ocean. Add in details of the rough and choppy ocean with white caps, a dense sub-tropical rainforest, and fog in the

Cutting off the last sentence after “fog”, I ran the prompt (with the same drop-down menu settings), and got:

Made in Jasper Art

I felt like Jasper AI was taking far too many liberties here.

8 ) Restaurant Scene Digital Paintings

Midjourney Prompt: Digital painting of a high-class yakiniku restaurant scene. Focus on delicious marbled beef sizzling on a grill. A young Japanese woman is eating, with an expression of delight. Use vibrant colors to make the beef look appetizing and heavenly. realistic style with a high level of detail (prompt generated in GPT-4)

Made in Midjourney

Great, except that the pieces of beef are much larger and thicker than anything I’ve ever seen in a Japanese yakiniku restaurant.

What would Jasper Art do with the prompt? I pasted it in, selected “Happy”, “Digital” and “Realistic” from the drop-down menus, and ran the prompt.

Made in Jasper Art

They all seem much more stylised, and the only image that clearly shows the diner (top left) also has a piece of beef in an oven! Hopefully it would come out better with an enhanced prompt. The AI returned: Create a digital painting of a high-end yakiniku restaurant scene highlighting the marbled beef sizzling on the grill. Choose vibrant colors that will make the beef look delicious and heavenly. Capture a young Japanese woman eating with delight in a realistic style that boasts a high level of detail. Make sure to evoke a happy atmosphere in the overall scene.

Made in Jasper Art

Again the diner only appeared sometimes, but these scenes looked nicer than with the unenhanced prompt. Though Jasper Art’s interpretation of “realistic” still looks very stylised to me.

9 ) AI Waifu Studio Photographs

This style seems incredibly popular in the AI art community, and there was one Midjourney image like this that I had to make for work. Here was the prompt I used for Midjourney: young Japanese woman, makeup, latex catsuit, Anjaneyasana yoga pose, white photo studio — s 250 — niji 5 — style cute

And here is the result:

Made in Midjourney

Putting the same prompt into Jasper Art, deleting the double hyphen elements, and selecting “Photography” from the drop-down menu:

Made in Jasper Art

Enhancing the prompt yielded: Create a photorealistic digital art piece of a young Japanese woman, wearing a latex catsuit, striking Anjaneyasana yoga pose in a white photo studio. Ensure to capture the intricate details of her makeup and use a high contrast palette for added drama. The image should be a fusion of both the elegance and edgy nature of the subject

So I just needed to add a period, and I got:

Made in Jasper Art

Pretty incredible yoga poses! But Jasper’s images have a lot more flaws e.g. extra fingers.

10 ) Colour Manga

Midjourney prompt: manga art of a Japanese man with a giant afro which is on fire, kneeling in seiza position on a carpeted floor, wearing only boxer shorts, he’s muscular and tanned, blissed out facial expression radiating love, green walls, brown sofas, glass cabinets, surreal, whimsical, exaggerated, abstract, dramatic

Made in Midjourney

Pasting the prompt into Midjourney, I selected “Whimsical”, “Anime” and “Masterpiece” from the drop-down menus, and got:

Made in Jasper Art

Enhancing the prompt yielded: Create a photorealistic digital painting of a muscular and tanned Japanese man with a giant afro, engulfed in flames. He is kneeling in the seiza position on a colorful carpeted floor wearing only boxers, with a blissful expression and radiating a sense of love. This surreal scene takes place in a room with green walls,

I changed the final comma to a period and ran the prompt:

Made in Jasper Art

I think the best one was the top right from the unenhanced Jasper prompt, though the Midjourney images were also cool. But when I tried to enhance it, I was disappointed to discover that Jasper Art doesn’t seem to save your old creations. So if you make something and want to keep it, you need to save it before generating something else, otherwise it’s gone!

11 ) B&W Manga

Midjourney Prompt: Manga style scene from the Korean drama “The Glory”, with detailed shading and screentone, Korean teenage girl at high school, surrounded by bullying classmates. Her posture and facial expression should clearly convey her depressed state, while the hostile environment around her is depicted as depressing. (prompt generated in GPT-4)

Made in Midjourney

I pasted the text in to Jasper Art, selected “Gloomy” and “Black and White” from the drop-down menus, and ran the prompt. I got:

Made in Jasper Art

Not too bad even though some of them were not strictly B&W.

Enhancing the prompt yielded: Create a photorealistic portrait of a Korean teenage girl in a high school hallway surrounded by hostile classmates. The girl should appear depressed and defeated, with detailed and intricate shading to bring her emotions to life. The scene should be depicted in a gloomy black and white style, with a focus on photorealism to capture the raw emotion of the moment

It neglected to mention that this was meant to be a manga image. So changed “photorealistic portrait” to “manga scene”, put a period at the end of the prompt, and ran it:

Made in Jasper Art

Both Midjourney and Jasper Art have done well here.

12 ) Manga Fan Art

Midjourney prompt: Manga-style illustration showing Ultraman in a defeated pose. Emulate the style of Eiichiro Oda, with detailed shading and dramatic lighting to emphasize the concept of ‘losing’ (prompt generated in GPT-4)

Made in Midjourney

I’m actually really impressed by this, but it doesn’t look like the character Ultraman. I wondered whether Jasper Art could get closer. I pasted in the text, selected “Highly Detailed” from a drop-down menu, and ran the prompt:

Made is Jasper Art

Some of these actually look like Ultraman, but the Jasper Art has clearly ignored the part about the “defeated pose”. I clicked to enhance the prompt, and got the text: Create a digital manga-style illustration of Ultraman in a defeated pose, showcasing detailed shading and dramatic lighting to emphasize the concept of loss. The final artwork should be in Eiichiro Oda’s signature style and must be highly detailed. The scene should be presented in high contrast, with highlights and shadows adding depth and dimension to the overall composition.

Made in Jasper Art

But again nothing approaching a “defeated pose”, and it looks less like Ultraman.

Both Midjourney and Jasper Art failed badly here, though in completely different ways.

13 ) Film Noir Themed Anime

Midjourney Prompt: Dramatic, noir-themed anime still in the style of Yoshiyuki Tomino. A sly Japanese male character is taking banknotes from a young Japanese female character with rectangular red glasses, dimly-lit room, long shadows, suggesting an atmosphere of conspiracy. 4k (prompt generated in GPT-4)

Made in Midjourney

I selected “Anime” from Jasper’s drop-down menu and ran the prompt with the same text.

Made in Jasper Art

None of these images matched the prompt. I used the enhance function, got Create a photorealistic digital artwork in the style of Yoshiyuki Tomino’s anime, with a dark noir theme. The scene depicts a sly Japanese male character taking banknotes from a young Japanese female character with rectangular red glasses. The room is dimly lit, with long shadows that create an atmosphere of conspiracy. Use photorealism techniques

Appending a period and rerunning the prompt with the above text yielded:

Made in Jasper Art

The quality of the above images was much better, however they had slightly less of a “film noir” theme to them. I noticed that Jasper AI had deleted the keyword “noir” when it enhanced the prompt, so maybe it doesn’t recognise that word.

14 ) Monochrome Photographs

Midjourney Prompt: Photograph style, with a focus on dramatic lighting and a monochrome filter: Show an Azerbaijani figure inside a freezing cold, small, isolated log cabin, hunched over and looking out the window with a melancholic expression. Outside is a snowy landscape in the Caucasus mountains. This should convey both the depressing environment and the depressed state of the figure. (prompt generated in GPT-4)

Made in Midjourney

In Jasper Art I pasted in the prompt, and selected “Gloomy”, “Photograph” and “Black & White” from the drop down menus. Running the prompt gave me:

Made in Jasper Art

The details don’t seem to have come out as well. The enhance function yielded the prompt: Create a gloomy black-and-white photograph with dramatic lighting. The scene depicts an Azerbaijani figure inside a small, isolated log cabin, looking out the window at a melancholic-looking snowy landscape in the Caucasus Mountains. The figure should be hunched over, conveying a certain degree of depression and the general dreariness of the environment.

Made in Jasper Art

The two photos on the left matched Midjourney in my opinion.

15 ) Infrared Photographs

Midjourney Prompt: depressed schoolboy sitting in a schoolyard, asphalt, chain_link fence Australian school_uniform, infrared_photography — s 50 — style raw

Made in Midjourney

The bottom left one was nice, although not what I wanted (I was planning to use it as input for a blend)

Made in Midjourney

Pasting the text into Jasper Art and deleting the Midjourney specific stuff, I got:

Made in Jasper Art

The bottom left one looked good and matched the prompt well.

Clicking to enhance yielded: Create an infrared photograph of a depressed schoolboy sitting on the asphalt in an Australian schoolyard. Use a chain-link fence in the background to add a sense of enclosure and isolation. The subject should be wearing an Australian school uniform and the overall mood of the piece should convey a sense of loneliness and sadness. The image should be photorealistic in style

I ran that prompt omitting the last half-sentence.

Made in Jasper Art

None of these included a chain-link fence anywhere! And this is wasn’t the first time that the “enhance prompt” button had led to worse results.

16 ) Interior Architecture Photographs

Midjourney prompt: parabolic hall of mirrors, stained glass slit, rock-cut pillars, gigantic, photograph by Sony A7R II — style raw

Made in Midjourney

Pasting the prompt into Jasper Art, deleting “ — style raw” and selecting “Photography” and “High Resolution” from the drop-down menus:

Made in Jasper Art

Enhancing the prompt yielded: Create a photorealistic photograph of a majestic, giant hall of mirrors filled with rock-cut pillars and a striking stained glass slit. Capture the breathtaking scope and depth of the space through the lens of a Sony A7R II camera, ensuring high resolution output for maximum detail. Pay close attention to the interplay between light and reflection in the parabolic

I appended “hall.” and ran the prompt:

Made in Jasper Art

Neither of the bots produced anything closely matching my prompt, but I like Midjourney’s picture more.

17 ) Bronze Sculptures

Of course both Midjourney and Jasper Art are 2D art generators, but that doesn’t mean they can’t make photos of sculptures. Here’s what Midjourney returned with the prompt: bronze sculpture of a UFO flying saucer mothership, narrow light beam, windows — s 50 — style raw

Made in Midjourney

In Jasper Art I selected “Photography” and “High Resolution” from the drop-down menu, removed the Midjourney specific syntax from the prompt ( — s 50 — style raw), and got:

Made in Jasper Art

The top left looks like it defies gravity, the two on the right look impossibly giant, and the bottom left is just a UFO, not a sculpture.

I tried running the prompt again with nothing selected from the drop-down menus, and got:

Made in Jasper Art

Now two UFOs and two mountain sized sculptures! Clicking enhance yielded: Sure! How about this: “Create a photorealistic bronze sculpture of a UFO mothership hovering in the air, with a narrow light beam emanating from its underside. The ship should have detailed windows, as if one could see inside. Style the UFO in a retro-futuristic aesthetic, as if it were from the 1950s

I cut the quote mark and everything before, appended a period, and ran the prompt to get:

Made in Jasper Art

Only one actual sculpture now! But it does have a cool aesthetic.

Made in Jasper Art

18 ) Dioramas

Midjourney had failed to give me what I wanted with the prompt: Miniature diorama featuring an anime-styled figure of a Japanese insurance sales lady in her 30s, surrounded by swirling, enigmatic shadows and symbols, representing the ‘mysterious’ aspects of her love life, in the underground water storage cavern in Kasukabe, with many pillars (prompt generated in GPT-4)

Made in Midjourney

Could Jasper Art do any better? I ran the prompt without selecting anything from the drop-down menus, and got:

Made in Jasper Art

Much closer to what I wanted, particularly the bottom left. How about if I enhanced the prompt? That yielded: Create a photorealistic miniature diorama using mixed media like clay, paint, and light. Include an anime-styled figure of a Japanese insurance sales lady in her 30s in the center of the scene. The diorama should depict the underground water storage cavern in Kasukabe with many pillars and incorporate swirling shadows and symbols to represent the ‘

I replaced the final ‘ with “mysterious aspects of her love life”, and got:

Made in Jasper Art

Unfortunately these look a lot less like Kasukabe’s underground water storage cavern.

19 ) Pop Art Acrylic Paintings

Midjourney prompt: young pale skinned male backpacker with blond hair eating street food at a stall in Egypt, dusk, pop art in the style of Andy Warhol, acrylic paint — s 50 — style raw

Made in Midjourney

In Jasper Art I replaced the text prompts about Andy Warhol, pop art and acrylic paint with selections from the drop down menus.

Made in Jasper Art

I’m not an expert on this genre of art at all, but Jasper Art gave me something closer to what I wanted. I tried enhancing the prompt, and got: Create a vibrant pop art portrait of a young, pale-skinned male backpacker with blond hair eating street food at a stall in Egypt during dusk, using acrylic paint. Follow Andy Warhol’s style to explore contrasting colors and repetition, making the scene almost psychedelic. Use your strong artistic direction to capture the backpacker’s expression and the neon-lit

I finished the last sentence with “signage.” and ran the prompt, getting:

Made in Jasper Art

I didn’t like this as much as Jasper’s unenhanced prompt, which seemed like the winner to me.

20 ) Vaporwave Illustrations

Midjourney prompt: a young American man, Nathan, from Amazon Prime’s drama Upload, relaxing in the idyllic digital afterlife of Lakeview, barcodes on the leaves, vaporwave illustration — s 50 — style raw

Made in Midjourney

The two left are kind of OK, but it doesn’t look like it’s from the Amazon Prime drama Upload.

Selecting “Calm” and “Digital” from Jasper AI’s drop down menus, I ran the prompt there and got:

Made in Jasper Art

The top two are very vapourwavy, though again there’s nothing specific to Upload.

I clicked to enhance the prompt, and got: Create a photorealistic illustration of Nathan relaxing in the digitally idyllic Lakeview afterlife from Amazon Prime’s drama “Upload”. The artwork should incorporate vaporwave design elements with barcodes featured on surrounding leaves. The scene should reflect a feeling of calm and serenity. Please utilize digital output language code: EN in your artistic direction.

I wasn’t sure what the part about the “digital output language code” was, but I kept it and ran the prompt to get:

Made in Jasper Art

Again, I think the winner was Jasper Art with the unenhanced prompt.

21 ) Charcoal Sketches

Midjourney prompt: detailed charcoal sketch of a terrified young Japanese male tourist in Brazil, Crackland, favela, 8k — s 50 — style raw

Made in Midjourney

Converting it to a Jasper Art prompt and selecting 8K from the drop down menu, I got:

Made in Jasper Art

He looks a bit more Japanese in some of the Jasper Art pictures, but less terrified, and there’s nothing to suggest that he’s in a dangerous place in Brazil.

Clicking enhance yielded: Create a photorealistic charcoal portrait of a young Japanese male tourist filled with fear and vulnerability as he navigates Crackland, a destitute favela in Brazil. Use dramatic contrast and intricate detail in the shading to convey the intense emotion on his face and highlight the tense environment around him. Make the artwork in 8k resolution to capture

I deleted the last sentence and ran the prompt:

Made in Jasper Art

Only the top right sketch even gives a suggestion of the location I wanted to include in the image.

22 ) Rococo Oil Paintings

Midjourney did splendidly with the prompt: Japanese woman at a graduation ceremony wearing a mortarboard and an academic gown, rococo oil painting — s 50 — style raw

Made in Midjourney

When converting the prompt to run in Jasper Art, I added the keywords “Happy” “Oil Painting” and “Masterpiece” from the drop down menus and deleted “oil painting” in the text portion of the prompt.

Made in Jasper Art

Sorry Jasper, but this isn’t coming off to me as rococo. She’s missing her mortarboard in half of them too.

I auto-enhanced the prompt to Create a photorealistic oil painting of a Japanese woman at her graduation ceremony, wearing a mortarboard and an academic gown. The style should incorporate elements of rococo, but maintaining an overall photorealistic effect. The subject should appear happy and proud on this memorable day. Ensure that the artwork is a true masterpiece which will capture the beauty and significance

Why did Jasper insert “photorealistic effect” in the prompt? I’m assuming it’s because the bot can’t do rococo. Anyway, the prompt yielded:

Made in Jasper Art

At least she’s wearing a mortarboard in all of them, but it doesn’t look like rococo at all.

23 ) Abstract Ochre Paintings Inspired by Australian Aboriginal Art

Midjourney prompt: aerial view of Bangkok skyline at twilight, glittering dazzling skyscrapers, golden temple spires of wats, abstract Australian Aboriginal ochre painting with dots, lines and swirls, in the style of Shirley Bray — s 50 — style raw

Made in Midjourney

Pasting the above into Jasper Art, cutting out the Midjourney stuff and selecting “Abstract” from the drop down menu, I got a real mixed bag:

Made in Jasper Art

When I clicked “enhance”, I got: Create an abstract digital artwork in the style of Shirley Bray that captures the stunning beauty of Bangkok’s skyline at twilight. Incorporate the iconic glittering skyscrapers with the golden spires of temple wats, and add a touch of Australian Aboriginal art. Use dots, lines, and swirls in ochre colors to create an intricate abstract composition that

I deleted the final “that”, put in a full stop, and ran the prompt.

Made in Jasper Art

I can no longer see any Aboriginal Australian influence in any of these paintings.

So I’d call this a tie between Midjourney and Jasper Art (unenhanced).

24 ) Cubist Collage

Midjourney prompt: abstract collage emulating Pablo Picasso’s cubism, of a microwave oven — s 50 — style raw

Made in Midjourney

The above looked more like photobashing than collage.

Jasper Art could express almost everything in the Midjourney prompt by means of drop-down menus. The only things I kept as text were “microwave oven” and “cubism”.

Made in Jasper Art

Some of the above were very interesting to me.

Jasper gave me a strange response when I clicked “enhance”: One possible art prompt based on your message could be: Create a cubist-style collage of a microwave oven inspired by the works of Pablo Picasso. Use a mix of abstract and photorealistic techniques to portray the different angles and textures of the kitchen appliance. Incorporate elements like lines, shapes, and colors to convey a sense of dynamism and movement

Why did it need to include the first sentence? I deleted it, put a period at the end, and ran the prompt.

Made in Jasper Art

Jasper Art was a bit inconsistent here, but it outperformed Midjourney.

On the Whole

Midjourney clearly outperforms Jasper Art in general. However there are two notable exceptions:

  1. Modern / Abstract art (cubism, pop art, psychedelic)
  2. 3D art (sculptures, dioramas)

So if you’re interested in those genres and those genres alone, then you could possibly make an argument for going with Jasper. However, Jasper Art also lacks a number of features that mean it’s a no-go for me.

  • Most importantly, it can’t accept more than one image as a starting point for a prompt
  • It has no outpainting
  • It has nothing like Midjourney’s /shorten function that show you how the bot is viewing your prompt

Don’t get me wrong, Jasper Art’s amazing compared to what existed 18 months ago. But in August 2023, it’s simply outclassed by what else is on the market. So sorry Jasper, but I won’t be extending this free trial. Maybe if it can catch up to your competitors in the future.

Screenshot from Jasper Art

Have you experimented with these? Please let me know your opinion in the comments.



Alex Tully

Into Generative AI, but 100% Human-Written Blog (every word)・Bachelor’s in Maths・Master’s in Linguistics (@ANU 🇦🇺 )・Taught myself 🇯🇵 and 🇹🇭・Digital Nomad