Big Data — Big Problem?

Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2019

Inherent in its name, big data is just that: big. Herein lies the problem.

Data is at the heart of many business problems; accuracy, duplication, structure, storage, and accessibility are headaches, and because data has been stored electronically or physically, it is right there. Information management has evolved into today’s information technology.

So what are large amounts of data? The term has dominated IT conversations last year, but is it a new data opportunity or a new problem, or is it just a case of centuries-old problems being renamed and exaggerated to make more money?

Understanding large amounts of data

Although there is a problem with the exact definition of large amounts of data, there is great interest in new ways to solve data problems. The results of the Varonis study show that the majority of companies surveyed will take strategic initiatives for large amounts of data over the next five years.

“This survey confirms Varonis’ experience with organizations we work with on a daily basis — IT is looking for practical data management and protection solutions,” said David Gibson, vice president of strategy at Varonis.

“With the explosion of data growth and the demand for fast, ubiquitous digital collaboration, IT departments know that traditional data management methods can no longer compete, so they are looking for advanced solutions to protect their data. The key for the high-volume IT department is to overcome the hype and learn more about the practical benefits, such as finding exposed data, marking malicious activity and detecting excessive access,” he adds.

Although there is confusion and concern in the marketplace, there is no doubt that companies recognize that there are benefits to using the data they need to collect or produce and turning it into an asset. To gain confidence in a largely untapped but mature market, resellers must acquire the knowledge and experience they need to guide their customers through the minefield, with good supplier partnerships that support them.

Although there is a problem with defining big data accurately, there is a huge amount of interest in new ways to solve data issues. Big data is critical to customers of almost any size. While some businesses produce and collect more data than others, the plethora of information now available on businesses and their customers is phenomenal, bringing with it great opportunity to better target products and services, ultimately increasing sales and aiding business growth.

Success is out there

Whether the data is internal or external, extracting information particular to one experience can make the difference for customers or whether large amounts of data are a really a new issue or a collection of existing problems that are being addressed by advances in technology and business processes, it seems that the hype about them is already triggering success in more than one industry..

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