Could Dash be the Best Cryptocurrency to Hold Long Term?

Scotch & Ramen Media, Inc.
3 min readJul 16, 2018


The world of cryptocurrency can be intimidating. And yes, while the fluctuations in price are certainly one factor contributing to this trend, it is far from the only reason why the average investor steers clear of this potentially lucrative field.

The truth is that crypto oftentimes drives people away because it seems hopelessly complex to understand — even though this is far from the truth. The simple notion of a borderless, decentralized, hyper-secure form of currency is actually relatively simple, even if the technology that drives it is cutting edge. The problem that cryptocurrencies are actually facing is a public perception issue. And the Dash community is arguably working harder than the community surrounding any other coin when it comes to addressing this.

Why Dash Could Catalyze Widespread Crypto Adoption

Dash is developing a network of user support infrastructure, including call centers and a dedicated marketing team. Not only is this exciting for the future of cryptocurrencies in general, it is also a good sign for anyone who wants to hold onto their Dash coins for an extended period of time. After all, if Dash truly does end up leading the pack in terms of adoption, then its value is likely to increase exponentially.

Speed = Convenience

In addition to its proactive approach to fostering user-friendliness and widespread adoption, another pro to Dash is its focus on speed. This is precisely the feature that inspired the coin’s current name: Dash was originally conceived as “DarkCoin,” a nod to another important feature of the currency, it’s stellar privacy features.

Privacy Matters

Dash’s PrivateSend feature is one of the most impressively secure transaction features of any cryptocurrency. (And considering the fact that we are discussing virtual currency built with the blockchain, that is really saying something.) To simplify a complex process explained here: as Dash transactions are carried out, coins are broken down into pieces, which makes identifying the specifics of any transaction impossible, regardless of the fact that all transactions are public. To quote the analogy used by many proponents of the Dash, the security system is similar to hiding a grain of sand on the beach. Although open to the public, all information shared is next to impossible to identify and utilize in a meaningful way.

Dash Treasury System

Because cryptocurrencies are on the cutting edge of technology, it is a near certainty that new innovations and improvements will be invented. How will current cryptocurrencies adapt to these changes? Dash has one of the most concrete and effective plans for staying up to date: a treasury system. 10% of all mining rewards are placed in a communally governed fund used to pay developers whose plans for improving Dash are voted in by the community. This is one of the best examples of how crypto can bring democracy to the financial world, and it may very well help Dash become one of the most successful altcoins currently in existence.

Founded with a near singular focus on privacy, DarkCoin evolved into something much more dynamic and exciting: Dash. If you are interested in learning more about what sets this coin apart from the rest, be sure to stay tuned to our blog as we continue exploring the most exciting trends in crypto!

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