7 Sex Questions You Really Want to Know the Answers To But Are Too Afraid To Ask

And you don't want to ruin your search history by Googling

Ash Jurberg
Published in
7 min readMay 21, 2021


Source: Deposit Photos. Artist Miraslav

We all took some form of sex education during school.

It may have involved some form of childish giggling, perhaps an embarrassed teacher putting a condom on a banana. Elementary stuff to introduce children to the world of sex.

But for me, the more embarrassing questions were left unanswered. I couldn't ask them in class, and sadly I’m so old I was born BG.

Before Google.

So in the interest of general public education for readers of all ages, I thought I would look at the 7 Sex Questions, You Always Wanted To Ask But Were Too Embarrassed to do so.

1. Can I pee during sex?

In my younger days, I used to rely on alcohol to summon the courage to approach females. Sadly a lot of alcohol.

This meant that on the infrequent occasion, I got lucky and made it into the bedroom with someone; I had a full bladder. And I was worried that I would accidentally pee during sex — as opposed to deliberately pee during sex in a golden shower that a certain ex-President was allegedly fond of.

