7 Tools for More Productive Digital Marketing Strategy

Ann Smarty
Marketing And Growth Hacking
7 min readApr 8, 2019

Have you ever struggled with getting organized?

Have you ever tried organizing your digital marketing?

If you have, you know how unbelievably hard it is.

If you want to succeed in digital marketing (and who doesn’t?), you need to start organizing your routine.

Digital marketing can be quite overwhelming. There’s too much going on at any given time. You cannot scale too much (unless you want to appear spammy) and yet you want to keep all of your channels regularly updated.

You cannot simply broadcast, instead you need to keep engaging with your followers and niche influencers.

You need to be there listening to what people are saying about your brand on social media and reply as fast as possible.

How to manage all of that without getting really well-organized?

Here are my tips:

1. Use ContentCal to Organize Your Editorial Calendar

The way you manage your content is essential in keeping track of what’s being generated, what’s already published and when your next post should be. Key aspects of this process include keeping tabs on content creation, publication and marketing.

To aid with this, there’s a plethora of content editorial systems available online. You can do this offline on your own as well, although this task could be hard to manage of you have a large amount of content to manage. Or you can use Google Docs to create a project timeline for your content plan…

But the best idea is to use a platform that was designed to make your content planning and marketing easier.

ContentCal is a solid option to try. It offers content planning option through their “Campaigns” feature where you can add your content ideas and create a content brief for each one:

ContentCal has also be a powerful social media marketing collaboration feature allowing your whole team to add updates to your brand social media channels:

2. Use Finteza for More Productive Conversion Monitoring

Digital marketing involves a lot of analyzing. You need to better understand your audience in order to create better content to engage them. You need to monitor and analyze what your competitors are doing to engage their audience. You need to better understand your niche influencers to get them join your social media campaigns.

When it comes to web analytics, you are never actually done. You need to analyze again and again, before and after each of your marketing campaigns as well as when creating your monthly and yearly editorial calendars.

What do you already have on your site? What type of content would you like to produce? Perhaps it’s time to change things up in order to produce something fresh for your target audience. Or maybe you need a new lead magnet or come up with new ways to engage your audience?

Finteza is a free web analytics platform offering a variety of conversion monitoring options. You can easily add events to monitor, analyze your conversion channels, and measure how your different channels perform and compare to one another:

3. Use TextOptimizer for More Productive Content Optimization

Content creation is one of the most tedious tasks your team is likely to come across. Content creation involves three stages:

  • Idea brainstorming
  • Content research
  • Content writing (and optimization)

While there are great tools that can help on each of these stages, for the sake of productivity I’ll include one: Text Optimizer that can help with all content creation tasks.

  • Type any query that you are targeting in Google
  • Text Optimizer will extract search snippets from Google’s search results
  • Next, Text Optimizer will apply semantic analysis to come up with related concepts and entities for you to build your content around

This way, TextOptimizer helps you with research (showing which concepts should be covered) and optimization (including some of the identified concepts will help you get your content rank higher).

On top of that, you can research popular questions based on your query. This usually helps to come up with great content ideas.

4. Use Agorapulse to Share and Listen

With social media marketing you are seldom dealing with only one channel. More often than not, there are at least 5, more often there up to 10 active channels you need to keep active, including:

  • Official Twitter account
  • Official Facebook page
  • Official Facebook group
  • Official Youtube account
  • Official Linkedin account
  • Personal Twitter account of the CEO
  • etc.

How to efficiently monitor everything as well as keep your channels active and engaging?

Agorapulse is the tool I’ve just recently discovered and it is probably the best social media solution out there:

  • There’s a social inbox collecting and prioritizing incoming social media messages and mentions from the major channels
  • It allows you to keep all your social media accounts active with powerful social media sharing features and recurring updates (the ability to schedule multiple updates far into the future)

5. Use Viral Content Bee to Market Your Content on Social Media

Creating engaging social media updates is the most fundamental and essential step to building your online presence. However limiting yourself to only your owned channel means missing out.

You need to constantly try and engage niche influencers and active social media users in promoting your content. This is the most effective way to get it spread.

It’s also a very long and exhausting task. You need to come up with new and new tricks to get attention from busy social media users, including engaging with their social media updates, asking them for a quote, creating images featuring them, tagging them on social media, etc.

While all of that is something you probably want to keep doing, there’s an easier way to get your content shared on social media by someone outside of your immediate social media following.

Viral Content Bee (Disclaimer: This is the project I co-founded) is the free platform allowing busy business owners and content marketers to add their content for others to share.

Apart from helping you get your content shared, VCB also lets you improve your engagement. Any time your content is shared, Viral Content Bee invites you to go and engage with that update. This always results in new social media connections, more social media interactions.

VCB is not the only way to get other people promote your content, of course. Here are more resources to use:

6. Use Alter to Productively Personalize Your Landing Pages

Personalized marketing is a great way to improve on-page user engagement. You can easily personalize your target CTAs and copy based on a variety of criteria using Alter.

To make things easier and better organized, you can also let Alter decide what type of offer fits every user (which is much easier and faster) by using their smart technology that determines user interests by tracking their non-personal data across the web:

7. Use Checklists for Analysis and Preparation

To better organize your marketing process, create reusable checklists walking you (or anyone else from your team) through the marketing process. Checklists also make it easy to delegate your recurring analytics tasks to any (new) members of your (remote) team.

Serpstat offers a flexible feature allowing you to create various checklists and delegate certain sections to your team members. You can create a checklist, turn it into a template and then easily put together new checklists with the same set of items:

[When creating your checklists, be as actionable as you can, mention tools and pages that need to be checked and create lots of detailed notes. Remember that you need to only do that once.]

There are many more checklist management apps, in case you want to check them out, but that’s the only one that is marketing related, as far as I know.

Digital marketing is quickly evolving and maturing. It’s exciting to see new and new tools find their ways in our always changing marketing world. I hope the above tools will help you discover new tactics and organized your marketing strategy in a more productive way!

