Why ‘God’ Is Actually *Necessary* to Realize Your True Potential

You don’t even need to believe in ‘God’ or be religious to experience this innate power!

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
8 min readMar 11, 2024


AI-generated image of a man standing tall, with his arms raised towards the sky, surrounded by an aura of divine light extending upwards to the heavens.
Generated with Leonardo AI

Growing up, I hated religion.

Mocking idol worship, I’d refuse to fold my hands in prayer. I’d vulgarize chants and hymns. Sneering at rituals, I’d call devout people “ignorant fools.”

Little did I know I was the ignorant fool.

“Why should I bow down to outdated texts and invisible Gods?” I raged like a rebellious teenager.

Stoicism. Epistemology. Deism. Evolutionary psychology — I swam through the “isms” and “logies” of science and philosophy…

Only to wash ashore onto the divine banks of spirituality — and discover gems of timeless wisdom…

Profound insights that could be experientially verified. Intellectuality that outshone lofty philosophies. Knowledge that science was only beginning to grasp.

Turns out, ‘God’ and ‘Divinity’ go far beyond religious rituals and beliefs.

The True Origin and Meaning of ‘God’

“The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.”

