Challenge| Fiction| Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome Challenge


Sweet Chaos
4 min readAug 13, 2022


Photo by Bora Sözüer on Unsplash

I’ve been typing my fingers to the bone when not only one but two gauntlets were thrown down before me. Jann Christoph von der Pütten and FJCMontenegro issued the same challenge. That’s a double-dog-dare, right up there with telling me not to do something! How could I possibly refuse? LOL

Staring, unseeing, at the empty page of drafts, I feel warmth against my ear, “You’ve got nothing. Fresh out of ideas.”

Ignoring the voice that is smooth as honey, I open Google Docs for the list of story ideas. Perusing the phrases, I choose one, entering the kicker, title, and subtitle with a grin. Pausing, I sit back to think.

Warm breath against my other ear, “The fountain is all dried up.”

“I’m trying to think of a name for my protagonist, thank you very much. Leave me alone.”

Black wispy smoke floats to the chair beside me. Through gagging coughs, “Don’t do that.”

“Don’t do what?” He mocks innocence as he takes form in the chair. Scooting closer to watch my screen, “Oh! Let me help; I’m good at this. Joe Smith. Or Larry Yoder. Oh! Jane Doe!” He laughed.



Sweet Chaos

Tickling your senses through fiction writing while shocking you with the outcome! Nothing is as it seems!