Demystifying Gitopia Ecosystem

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6 min readOct 28, 2021

Gitopia is the next-generation Code Collaboration Platform powered by blockchain technology and interactive token economy. Gitopia’s mission is to create a new paradigm for open source development and decentralized collaboration where innovators are rewarded, contributors are motivated, and the stakeholders have the power to govern platform policies.

Centralized code collaboration platforms like GitHub exist today largely thanks to the work of a vast community of open source contributors worldwide. The open-source community members ranging from code contributors, users, documentation writers, marketers, designers, user support, and more collaborate and contribute to the collaboration platforms and help build the platform ecosystem.

While there are ways to make money while working in open source, most of these community members perform their duties to keep learning and share their knowledge out of ❤️ for the open-source project and a sense of obligation to the community. However, despite their crucial role in building open-source projects and the platform ecosystem, they are often taken advantage of and do not receive the due recognition and appreciation they deserve for their work. This, when added to the massive amount of work they do and the pressure they are under, has led them to burn out and give up on contributing to open source projects. It’s hard to maintain open-source projects with a lack of equally motivated individuals to support and help share the workload.

Gitopia is working towards fixing this lack of proper incentivization in open-source. Community is the heart of the Gitopia ecosystem, and the platform is designed to incentivize open-source contributions. Gitopia is community-driven, and all participants in the Gitopia ecosystem have the opportunity to shape and improve the Gitopia platform for what’s best for the decentralized and open source community and not for the needs of a few corporations.

Gitopia offers unique incentives for every contribution by the participants in its ecosystem. These incentives are appropriately aligned to motivate contributors and help drive up the innovation and growth of open-source software on the Gitopia platform while ensuring the smooth and efficient running of the ecosystem.

The different participants in the Gitopia ecosystem fall into the categories or roles explained below:

Check out the attached links for a detailed explanation of the incentives, roles, and responsibilities of the various ecosystem participants of Gitopia. Find out the ecosystem participant you resonate most with and the incentives you are expected to gain by participating in the Gitopia ecosystem.

1. Community

A community is a group of individuals that unite around a shared passion and relentless focus to improve outcomes for a particular population. Members of the community commit to sharing data, experience, and skills to design, develop and implement improvements. In Gitopia’s context, the community is the open-source community.

The different kinds of members in an open-source community are explained below:

  1. Leader: The leader is the person who is responsible for making the final decision about features, releases, and other activities related to an open-source project.
  2. Maintainers: Maintainers are the people responsible for maintaining an open-source project. They direct the orchestra of developers and reviewers, making sure that they perform their tasks efficiently.
  3. Contributors: Contributors are the people who contribute code, documentation, etc., to open source projects. They fix bugs and write code to improve open source projects.
  4. Citizen developers: Citizen developers are the people who actually use open-source software. They give the project a purpose and help it grow by providing valuable feedback on bugs and feature requests. (read more)

2. Educators and Researchers

Educators are the people who will use Gitopia’s services to shape the next generation of software developers. Educators will use Gitopia to distribute code, gain students’ feedback and collect assignments.

Researchers will find Gitopia to be an invaluable tool to collaborate with learned minds worldwide on research projects. With a lack of censorship and no central control authority making decisions on Gitopia, there will be no barrier stopping them from innovating and collaborating on future technology. Gitopia also provides researchers with permanent storage without a single point of failure, and hence they will not have to worry about ever losing access to their repositories (read more)

3. Organizations, Open Source Foundations, and DAOs(Decentralized Autonomous Organizations)

Organizations are shared accounts where groups of people(Organizations or open-source projects) can collaborate across many projects at once. Organizations simplify the management of group-owned repositories and help plan the workflows for business and large open-source projects with a proper hierarchical model.

Open-source foundations are not-for-profit and charitable organizations supporting the open-source software movement. They help the open-source projects in the form of organizational, legal, or financial support.

A Decentralized Autonomous Organization(DAO) is an organization that runs through rules encoded as computer programs called smart contracts. The goal of a DAO is to create an organization that can be governed with pre-subscribed rules and without a single human authority. (read more)

4. Validators and Delegators

A validator is a semi-trusted entity responsible for validating and producing blocks. The Gitopia main chain relies on a set of validators to secure the network. The role of validators is to run a full-node and participate in consensus by broadcasting votes which contain cryptographic signatures signed using their private key. Validators commit new blocks in the blockchain and receive revenue in the form of LORE tokens in exchange for their work.

Delegators of the Gitopia ecosystem are holders of LORE tokens, who delegate some or all of their LORE tokens with trusted validators to secure the Gitopia main chain. In return, delegators can earn a proportion of the transaction fees as well as block rewards. (read more)

5. Gitopia Ecosystem Partners

Ecosystem partners are a value-adding network of partners and collaborative organizations who can give an important competitive advantage. Gitopia, in its run, will be onboarding many ecosystem partners to its ecosystem to provide its users with high-value services and capabilities through technology integrations that offer complementary value around the Gitopia platform. (read more)

6. Evangelists(Open-Source and Crypto)

Open source evangelists are the people who are enthusiastic about open source software and work to increase its awareness among users and improve its perception. They communicate the value and benefits of open source software with users to increase adoption and encourage more open source contributions.

Crypto Evangelists/Believers are the people who genuinely believe in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. They do whatever they can to support cryptocurrencies and decentralized applications like participating in discussions online and offline, attending community events, taking part in airdrops, etc. (read more)

A vibrant platform ecosystem and community will be an essential part of Gitopia. The active involvement of all of the above-mentioned ecosystem participants is necessary for the proper functioning of Gitopia and to sustain Gitopia’s platform model. Without them, Gitopia won’t be able to achieve its mission of creating a new paradigm for open source software development and decentralized collaboration where everyone is a stakeholder, innovators are rewarded, contributors are motivated, and users have power.

That is why our team is attempting to correctly align the incentives so that Gitopia can return value to each of those participating in a legitimate and meaningful manner. We at Gitopia believe that the active participation of everyone will help Gitopia develop into the best collaboration platform for all the developers from across the world to come together and build open-source software.

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