3 Painfully Dark NoFap Truths Most “Gurus” Don’t Reveal to You

NoFap can be life-changing — but at a cost

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2022


Image by Valentin Tikhonov from Pixabay

NoFap is the most powerful thing you can do as a man.

Confidence on steroids. Sage-like heightened awareness. Females devouring you with their eyes. Vaporized social anxiety. Focus sharper than an assassin's dagger.

Way more time and energy in your hand — no pun intended.

Look past my (slight) exaggeration and these “too-good-to-be-true” effects hold true.

But NoFap has a dark side as well — which the zealots in cultish online forums shush each other about.

Only if you’re aware of the negatives will you succeed with NoFap.

The Core Essence of NoFap’s Power

NoFap’s real power lies in transmutation — channeling your sexual desire and energy into revamping your life.

When you don’t transmute, you repress — wielding your willpower to imprison your body’s burgeoning pressure.

  • Either the pressure cooker explodes into a grisly relapse — followed by copious binges and regrettable behavior.
  • Or the steam leaks in puffs — insomnia, anxiety, nightfall, frustration, and bursts of rage.



Neeramitra Reddy

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